Good morning. That's the hope. That it is indeed a good morning. What was on your mind when you woke up today? Was dread coursing through your veins or were you looking forward to a fresh start? Did you wake up like you always do, beginning your typical routine and wishing there was more?
Changing your life takes planning, thought and guts. Change is hard for a lot of us even if it is something we want. Change is scary. How are we going to change anything when we are terrible planners and petrified of change.
Here's a thought. Maybe you are so used to not having things your way. Maybe you are used to being unhappy. Maybe being unhappy is comfortable and unfortunately, much easier than contemplating change. Or maybe, just maybe your fear isn't change at all.
Today's quote is, "Maybe your fear is happiness." Isn't that crazy! How could anyone be afraid to be happy? I'll tell you why. Ease, habit and expectation. We do everything the same way not because we want to but because it's easy. Sadly, it's easier to be miserable than to do anything about it. When you are so stuck, your mind makes it impossible for you to make changes, therefore your expectations of a different life dwindle away.
Stop. Stop your old way of thinking. Get rid of your old thought process and know that happiness is great and misery sucks. If you want to remain fearful, be afraid that life will pass you by without inviting you along.
Have a wonderful day everyone! ~Love, Amy
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