Thursday, September 30, 2021

OPEN YOUR HEART - Thursday, 9/30

 Good morning and happy Thursday.  Languid and lovely is how love should be.  Countless songs have been written about love.  From Love is a many Splendid Thing to Love Shack.  Who doesn't want to be loved?  The problem comes when we have been hurt because we loved too deeply and too passionately.  When we experience that kind of hurt we never want to feel that way again and so we close ourselves off to love afraid of reliving that very same pain.

WHAT?  NEVER LOVE AGAIN?  If you fall down do you not get up?  If you burn the roof of your mouth on a slice do you never eat pizza again?  Today's quote is, "Leave room for love behind the shield you hold so closely near your heart."  No one enjoys getting hurt.  No one wants to feel the pain of a broken heart.  

I was 15 when my heart was broken for the first time.  Was it awful, painful and miserable?  Of course it was but can you imagine a 15 year old closing themselves off to love forever?  To think that you will never find love or be loved is to think the sun will never shine again.  While there may be rainy days ahead, the clouds will part and the sun will come out again.

Have a wonderful Thursday everyone! ~Love, Amy

To learn more about me, visit my website:

To schedule an in-person or remote Reiki session with me, visit my website: sessions OR email me at

Tuesday, September 28, 2021


 Good morning everyone and happy Tuesday.  Is there such a thing as trusting too much?  I think it depends on who you are referring to.   There are people in my life I can definitely depend upon.  People who have my back and ones that I am free to express who I really am when I am in their company.  

We all want people like that in our lives but sometimes trust is broken.  One of my favorite quotes from Benjamin Franklin is, "Two people can keep a secret if one of them is dead."  Telling a friend a deep dark secret is not always such a great idea.  Sometimes a secret is just too juicy not to share even if you have been told not to utter a word to another soul.

Few people have that capability.  Few people can really honor what is asked of them.  When the cat is let out of the bag you are left feeling utterly exposed.  Today's quote is, "Is it betrayal or have you trusted too deeply."  I am not saying to be leery of everyone you meet but unless you feel that immediate soul connection it is ok to be a little guarded.

I have a card that I purchased many years ago that says, "If you want to find a girl's faults, praise her to her friends."   Beware of the green eyed monster that lives within you.   Treasure your friendships.  Treasure your soulmates.  Be happy for them as you would for yourself.  Trust deeply but with the right people.

Have a wonderful Tuesday everyone! ~Love, Amy

To learn more about me, visit my website:

To schedule an in-person or remote Reiki session with me, visit my website: sessions OR email me at

Thursday, September 23, 2021


Good morning everyone.  Happy Thursday.  "All in due time," is a phrase I truly believe in.  I also believe that things happen when they are meant to.  Both statements have the same meaning but it doesn't mean we sit around and wait for our lives to change.  That cannot happen unless we take action.  What is it that will get you going?  Each one of us is different and has different threshold levels of exasperation.  Only you will know when gliding through each day is no longer working.

Today's quote is, "We prefer to be lead with a gentle hand but it is not always a gentle hand that will lead us - if you feel a pull or a push it is because gentle no longer works."  We don't always listen or see.  We hear what we want and see what we want.  Only when things begin to hurt our ears and blind us do we know change needs to be now!

Your life is up to you.  How you want to live it is up to you.  No one can tell you.  Wait a minute.  EVERYONE can tell you but only you can decide when to make a leap.  While we may prefer to take it slow, taking it slow may not be an option!

Have a wonderful Thursday everyone! ~Love, Amy

To find out more about me, visit my website:

To schedule an in-person or remote Reiki session with me, visit my website: sessions OR email me at

Tuesday, September 21, 2021


Good morning everyone and happy Tuesday.  Are you a life long learner?  I love learning new things.  There is always something new to learn even if it is just a new recipe.  There are so many ways to acquire knowledge.  These days of course we have the internet although I'm a bit dubious about the internet as a source of real learning.  I prefer a good old fashioned book.  I enjoy all kinds of topics and genres.  When I learn something new I feel empowered having gained knowledge I might have lived without.

Wisdom on the other hand is something gained through experience because some things just can't be found in a book.  Today's quote is, "Knowledge is acquired - wisdom is gained - you cannot acquire wisdom from a book - it is the experience you have lived through that will make you the most knowledgeable." 

Life experience is the ultimate hands on learning.  You could read all the "how to" books on narcissistic behavior but until you come across one in real life you have no idea what you are in for.  To make the best bread, pie crust, cookies or summer pasta dish, read what Ina Garten has to say.  To feel the power of a sunrise you must witness it first hand. Books will teach you all kinds of things but the wisdom you gain through experience can never be written about.

Have a wonderful Tuesday everyone! ~Love, Amy

To learn more about me, visit my website:

To schedule an in-person or remote Reiki session with me, visit my website: sessions OR email me at

Thursday, September 16, 2021


 Good morning everyone and happy Thursday.  Thursday is a great day because that means its almost Friday and Friday means the weekend and the weekend means....  Anticipation can drive you mad!  Remember the ketchup commercial?  Would that thick, red, tomato condiment ever reach our burger? 

Focusing on the next step means you're really not in the present moment.  You could be here now but in your mind you are already ten steps ahead.  Whatever it is you're waiting for will come when the time is right so enjoy yourself now!

Today's quote is, "While awaiting transformation do not forget to live."  Its exciting knowing wonderful things are on your horizon but enjoy the now.  I've said this repeatedly so maybe this time you'll hear it!  Enjoy the present moment even if what you want is not yet here.  

Trust that the timing of life is something we don't always choose and trust that when the moment is right, your transformation will begin.  

Have a wonderful Thursday everyone! ~Love, Amy


To learn more about me, visit my website:

To schedule an in-person or remote Reiki session with me, visit my website: sessions OR email me at

Tuesday, September 14, 2021


Good morning everyone and happy Tuesday.  Do you love yourself?  I mean truly and deeply love yourself?  How many of us can really say that.  Usually the first thing we do is think of all our perceived faults.  We don't think that we were created as perfect beings deserving of self love. 

Love is something we all want in our lives but if we don't love ourselves, how can anyone else?  Today's quote is, "Honor yourself by falling in love with exactly who you are."  At this moment you are perfect exactly as you are.  Isn't that nice to hear?  You could hear it from me all day long but if you don't believe it then it doesn't matter how many times it is said.  

You who got out of bed in the throws of depression.  You who takes care of loved ones before yourself.  You who listens

to countless tales of woe from good friends because you are a "good listener."  It is now time to recognize the wonderful human being that you are and the best way to do that is to love yourself truly and deeply.

Have a wonderful Tuesday everyone! ~Love, Amy

To learn more about me, visit my website:

To schedule an in-person or remote Reiki session with me, visit my website: sessions OR email me at

Thursday, September 9, 2021


Good morning everyone and happy Thursday.  Hurricane season is upon us.  Makes me glad that I live in the northeast where all we may see are some heavy rains minus the devastation.  The pictures shown on the news are always so heartbreaking.  A beautiful house that was someone's home.  A business that took years to build.  A town left in ruins.  

What if that destroyed home was in desperate need of repair?  What if that business was in desperate need of a facelift.  We look at catastrophic events as awful which indeed they are but sometimes there is a silver lining beneath it all.

Today's quote is, "Chaos is the whirlwind necessary to make things happen."  Unfortunately when one is so resistant to change it comes to knock you on the head!  Complacency could be looked upon as apathy but its really about not wanting to rock the boat, however; without those waves you may never reach the shore.

Change isn't always easy which is why we remain complacent.  Sometimes it takes devastating events to push us out of our comfort zone.  In order to grow you need to change and if chaos is the whirlwind to make things happen then so be it!

Have a wonderful Thursday everyone! ~Love, Amy

To learn more about me, visit my website:

To schedule an in-person or remote Reiki session with me, visit my website: sessions OR email me at

Tuesday, September 7, 2021


Good morning everyone and happy Tuesday.  There were many times when I was at work that I would be all alone.  Although I worked in a shared room, my roommate was often called to assist others leaving me in the company of only myself.  I liked the conversations we had and sharing the space but I also liked the quiet.  Sometimes it was a little too quiet.  With no one to talk to my conversations turned inward.  Depending on my mood I could either make myself laugh or cry!

Thoughts can turn a bad day into a great one or a great one the complete opposite.  Today's quote is, "Sitting with your thoughts can destroy or empower you - be aware of what you allow inside your mind."  When you sit with your thoughts do you go to the best or worst places?  Do you conjure up incredible storylines or devastating scenarios?  

What you think can create a reality you want nothing to do with.  You can't always be positive, upbeat or in a good mood. Humans are capable of a range of emotions but be aware of your thoughts.  Bring in the ones that build you up rather than tear you down and create storylines that make you the shining star that you were meant to be!

Have a wonderful Tuesday everyone! ~Love, Amy

To learn more about me, visit my website:

To schedule an in-person or remote Reiki session with me, visit my website: sessions OR email me at

Thursday, September 2, 2021


Good morning everyone and happy Thursday.  I curse a lot.  Cursing helps me to express myself.  The "F" word is one of my true favorites.  What a wonderful adjective.  I never cursed when my kids were really little for fear of them imitating their mom but as they got to be a little older, my friend the "F" bomb would begin to slip out.  I made sure to be as quiet as I could but somehow even using my  quietest voice those little people in my house heard every word.  How does that happen?

Its kinda like the Universe.  When we give off vibrations of lack and feelings of worthlessness we don't have to utter a single word but that is exactly what the Universe is hearing.  On the flip side the Universe is also aware of the wonderful things you want to see in your life.  

When things don't manifest when we want them to we can't help but feel that we are being ignored.  Not to worry.  Today's quote is, "No need to shout - the Universe can hear every word of every thought."  That's right!  All our hopes, dreams and desires don't need to be shouted from a rooftop in order to be heard.  It can be hard to trust that everything will find its way to us when so many times we have been disappointed.

Trust is a hard lesson to learn.  I've been working on it most of my life! There are two options to choose from.  Worry that nothing will ever ever work out for you or trust in divine timing.  Its up to you!

Have a wonderful Thursday everyone! ~Love, Amy

To learn more about me, visit my website:

To schedule an in-person or remote Reiki session with me, visit my website: sessions OR email me at