Friday, May 31, 2019


Good morning everyone and happy Friday! Do you have plans this weekend or are you going to be busy daydreaming about them while you are at work.  We spend a lot of time daydreaming.  According to one study some of us spend up to 4 hours a day doing it.  There are many reasons why we daydream.  Boredom for sure is one of them.  Unhappiness and loneliness are others but we also fantasize about what we would rather be doing.

The way to change that is to actually do what you would rather be doing.  When my kids were small, we we went on a family vacation to the Adirondacks.  One of the activities my husband and I enjoyed was kayaking.  An entire year would go by before we went kayaking again and entire year after that and after that because we visited the Adirondacks four years in a row.  I would be at work thinking how nice it was kayaking on that gorgeous lake and how I wish I could do it again.

Years passed and I couldn't get the image of my husband and myself out on that lake.  It is like meditation on the water.  I took the first step to making my daydream a reality by looking up places to kayak near me and guess what!  I found it!  Yes!  Although Upper Saranac Lake is stunning to behold, we didn't need to drive 8 hours to kayak in beautiful surroundings.  Honestly it is pretty close to my own backyard. 

Today's quote is, "Death comes to all - do not spend a lifetime waiting for it."  Kayaking is not a matter of life or death however I found it to be so enjoyable that I daydreamed about it quite often.  Instead of fantasizing about it I made it a reality.  And you know what?  It wasn't all that hard to do.  What is that daydream in your life that you wish was a reality?  We all put things off until later but what if later never comes?  What if we aren't around later?  Who wants to live in regret? 

At some point we will all depart from this earth.  It may be that we really don't get to absolutely everything we wanted to but while we are here we owe it to ourselves to try.  Each and every one of us deserve to live the life we want.  Not just the one we daydream about.  FYI - we went kayaking last weekend!

Have a wonderful Friday everyone! ~Love, Amy

To learn more about what I do, visit my website:
To schedule an in-person or remote Reiki session with me, visit my website: sessions OR email me at

Thursday, May 30, 2019


Good morning everyone and happy Thursday.  Many of my quotes although different revolve around similar themes.  Themes of love, hope, inspiration, gratitude as well as perseverance and fortitude.  Forgive me if I left anything out.  Today's quote sparked not only a memory for me but as I looked at it, about to write my blog, I thought, "hmmm, I think I wrote this one already."  Maybe I did, maybe I didn't but it is still something we all need to hear.

Today's quote is, "We criticize with abandon - give praise the same way."  I chose to write or rewrite this because it is true.  We manage to find fault with anything and everything.  Even as I am writing this I am in my head wondering if this was a repeat.  Not only wondering but actually feeling bad.  Yes me too!  I do this because I am human like you.  Forget the fact that I have written over 1,000 quotes to date.  I was upset that this could have been a rewrite.

Instead of criticizing and berating myself for possibly repeating a quote, I need to say, "its OK."  That's right.  Its OK.  It is OK to make a mistake.  Is there anyone out there who has never made a mistake?  I didn't think so!  There is no perfect person out there.  We are all here to live and to grow and to learn from our mistakes. 

I myself am super critical.  I can't help it.  It is the nature of the Virgo personality but while that may be so it also doesn't mean I can't push it away to make praising part of my Virgo personality too.  Stop criticizing and start praising others and yourself.  Next time you stand in front of a mirror smile at yourself and tell yourself you are wonderful, beautiful and amazing and mean it!  For what its worth, I think you are wonderful, beautiful and amazing too!

Have a wonderful Thursday everyone! ~Love, Amy

To learn more about what I do, visit my website:
To schedule an in-person or remote Reiki session with me, visit my website: sessions

Wednesday, May 29, 2019


Good morning everyone!  Happy Wednesday.  Last Wednesday in May.  Have you done all your planting yet?  I am way behind.  I started on Mother's Day but I still need to fill up my deck.  I never seem to have enough flowers!  Whenever I think I'm done planting and decorating I look around and it still looks empty.

That feeling can extend to many layers of our life.  There is always more to be done and more that we can do.  Today's quote is, "Even if you think you've done everything  - know  you can always do more."  No of course I'm not talking about planting flowers.  I'm talking about doing more so you can be where you want to be.  I'm talking about being an active participant in your life at all times.  I'm talking about telling those you love more often than you think you do because "I love you" can never be heard too many times.

A dinner party includes appetizers, dinner and dessert.  Life includes being, joining and participating.  We don't want to look behind and say, shoulda woulda coulda!  You have a singular life on this earth.  Do your best to make the most of it.  Eat new foods, see new things, spend time with the ones you love and the ones who love you!  In this case more is definitely better!

Have a wonderful Wednesday everyone! ~Love, Amy

To learn more about what I do, visit my website:
To schedule an in-person or remote Reiki session with me, visit my website: sessions OR email me at

Tuesday, May 28, 2019


Good morning everyone and happy Tuesday.  I hope you enjoyed your long weekend.  An extra day is luxurious.  3 extra days is downright decadent!  No complaints here.  Time is precious and valuable and there never seems to be enough of it.  If you were to ask anyone what they would want an abundance of I am quite sure TIME would be on that list although if you manage it well there is always enough.

What else do you think would make the abundance list?  Money, clothes, chocolate chip cookies?  Having an abundance of money might be great but wouldn't having exactly what you need be enough?  Having 15 pairs of jeans is great. We would have so many to choose from but human beings that we are, we would probably wear our favorite pair over and over again.  What is the right amount of chocolate chip cookies to keep in your cabinet?  1 box, 2 boxes, 3 boxes?  Are you sick of them yet?

Today's quote is, "Abundance is not just an amount - it is a state of being."  Abundance is not just more and more.  It is indeed a state of being and a mindset.  I think you understood my point from the above paragraph.  How much of anything do you actually need.  When cable TV came out it was awesome!  Instead of 8 channels there were now about 20.  All of a sudden there are literally 300 channels to choose from but by the time you find a program to watch it is almost over.  Do we really need that many television channels.  The answer is no.  People became so overwhelmed Netflix has become the channel of choice.
The difference between need and want is having too many shirts to stuff  in that drawer, having rooms that no one sits in and throwing away vegetables that have been rotting away in the fridge.  It may even mean hanging out with people who don't mean that much to you.  If you have clothes to wear, a warm cozy home, food in your fridge, a job that pays for it all and love in your life from family and friends what more do you need? 

Take your focus away from wanting more and more and place it on what is here and now.  

Have a wonderful Tuesday everyone! ~Love, Amy

To learn more about what I do, visit my website:
To schedule an in-person or remote Reiki session with me, visit my website: sessions OR email me at

Thursday, May 23, 2019


Good morning everyone.  Happy Thursday.  I am especially happy this morning because I have a lovely 5 day break ahead of me.  I'm hoping to get in some kayaking, extra long walks with Mia and maybe even feel some sand between my toes.  Yep!  Summer is on its way!

There are those who are envious of my work schedule because I have my summers free.  I on the other hand are envious of families that can take January vacations when airline flights are far less expensive.  As the saying goes, the grass is always greener on the other side.  

We all have different paths that we follow but sometimes we veer off to the road of bad choices and are bitter at another's good fortune. By choosing that road we have no one to blame but ourselves however there are some that refuse to see the error of their ways and instead shower blame elsewhere.

Today's quote is, "Don't be resentful of someone's success be angry at your bad choices."  We've all made bad decisions and bad choices at one time or another.  We've all said, "I wish I had....."  I will let you fill in the spot for your regrets.  Even if there is something you regret never begrudge someone their success because of their good choices.  

Resentment feeds jealousy and jealousy feeds resentment.  It is a never ending cycle of poison that is good for no one.  Will we make more bad choices in our lives?  Of course we will.  This is why thinking, contemplating and meditating on big or even small decisions is the first and most important step to take before jumping in with both feet.  

Whatever you do be happy for someone else.  You don't know how many bad decisions and choices they made before finally getting it right!  

Have a wonderful Thursday everyone and enjoy the long weekend! See you on Monday~
~Love, Amy~

To learn more about what I do, visit my website:

To schedule an in-person or remote Reiki session with me, visit my website: sessions

Wednesday, May 22, 2019


Good morning everyone.  Happy Wednesday. What is it that you need to be able to start your day?  What is it that you need to make sure you have a great day?  I don't need celery juice to start my day although it is a great morning cleanse that has been very kind to my skin.  Coffee is not needed either to start my day but I LOVE the way it tastes and since I only drink it in the morning I'm not willing to give it up.

Now let's move onto what I need to have a great day.  Well let's see.  I need to be well rested and I need to know that whatever the day brings, I'll be OK.  Do you know why?  It is because whatever I need is within me.  Today's quote is, "Be the comfort you crave  - the shelter you seek - the love you need and the love you deserve." 

If you are all that then you are already off to a good start.  People may be rude or cold and say unkind things.  This is when you tell yourself you did nothing to deserve rudeness, coldness or insults.  This is when you seek shelter within your own heart and allow love to encompass your entire being.  

Some of us don't fully love ourselves yet.  Some of us are still filled with self-doubt and criticism stemming from our childhood or from ourselves.  You are no longer that small child.  Release all that was said so long ago and if you are doing this to yourself ask yourself why?  Be the love you deserve  because you deserve it!

Have a wonderful Wednesday everyone! ~Love, Amy

To learn more about what I do, visit my website:
To schedule an in-person or remote Reiki session with me, visit my website: sessions OR email me at

Tuesday, May 21, 2019


Good morning everyone!  Happy Tuesday.  I love walks at dusk when the evening sky is neither too dark nor too light and the color of the sky is a perfect shade of blue.  Day or night, Mia loves to walk.  Whether there is bright sunshine or a moonlit sky she always finds her way.  We should all to be like Mia.

Today's quote is, "We don't need the sun to walk in light - be illuminated from within."  Is Mia?  I think she is.  She's a really happy dog who does not need the sun to brighten up her day.  Think for a moment about your pet or a friend's pet.  What is it that makes them happy?  For sure its the basics.  Food, water, love and sunshine.  Yes, sunshine is a definite basic need!  

While it is true that we are a much more complicated species than dogs, cats, hamsters or fish it doesn't mean that simple things can't bring us joy.  It doesn't mean that when we feel emotional upset building within we can't look deeper inside ourselves for peace and calm.  It doesn't mean that we can't reach in and turn on our inner light.  

Allow the sun to illuminate your face and always allow your inner light to shine bright enough to illuminate your soul.  

Have a wonderful Tuesday everyone! ~Love, Amy

To learn more about what I do, visit my website://
To schedule an in-person or remote Reiki session with me, visit my website: sessions OR email me at

Monday, May 20, 2019


Good morning everyone!  Happy Monday.  Yay it's Monday or Ugg it's Monday?  Which one did you utter to yourself or out loud this morning?  When you say "yay" your body gets taller.  Try it!  When you say "ugg" you can feel yourself sink.

Now think of the thoughts that go through your mind.  Think of the ones that pass right through and the ones that get stuck at the toll.  Are they good thoughts or bad ones?  If they are bad, why do you allow them to stay?  Today's quote is, "Thoughts will come and enter your mind but be careful of the ones you allow to stay for they become your world."

Every thought that crosses your mind will try to find its way to embed itself there.  Do you want all that negative crap floating around?  Negativity is so powerful.  It leads not just to emotional instability but to physical illness as well.  I don't know about you, but I don't like being sick. 

When we meditate there is a revolving door of a million thoughts entering and exiting at the same time and that's totally fine.  We let them in and watch as they leave.  The point is to do that all the time, not just during meditation.  Sure we go through hard times which create less than desirable thoughts in our mind but keep that door open so that all those negative ones easily exit but allow the positive thoughts to remain for if we are not careful, those negative feelings will swallow us whole!

Have a wonderful Monday everyone! ~Love, Amy  

To learn more about what I do, visit my website:
To schedule an in-person or remote Reiki session with me, visit my website, sessions OR email me at

Friday, May 17, 2019


Good morning everyone!  Happy Friday or Friyay as I have heard it called.  I had a good week and I hope you did as well.  I just enjoy my weekends!  I'm going to share my quote which is similar to the one from a couple of days ago but relates so well.  "Gather together your souls remembrances from a life once lived and allow those ancient fears to dissolve and be left behind to remain in the past."

Rather than regretting posting a similar quote I will attribute it to the need for something so important to be reiterated.  The question here is why do we do what we do?  Why do we see things they way we do or feel with so much or so little passion?  Why do inexplicable fears rise within us?  The answer is because everything is passed down from one lifetime to another.  From one ancestor to another.  From one soul to another.  

The attunement of fear and pain we've allowed for our bodies and minds can sometimes be attributed to a life that was not ours yet has somehow been allowed to return and to stay. Why not wish that life farewell so that joy and love can be ours instead?  Only you will know when it is time to let go.

Only you will know when the time has come to stop repeating past mistakes again and again so often that they seep into your being allowing you to think that
is the only way.  Be here now in this lifetime and release those ancient fears of yours.  Wave good-bye and set them on their course and live your present life free of pain and filled with love.

Have a wonderful Friday everyone! ~Love, Amy

To learn more about what I do, visit my website:
To schedule an in-person or remote Reiki session with me, visit my website: sessions OR email me at

Thursday, May 16, 2019


Good morning everyone.  Happy Thursday to you all.  Did  you ever have one of those amazing night's sleep where you didn't want to get out of bed?  Was that really sleep or an opportunity to flee?  When I was little, my mom always knew if I was upset about something because I would run away.  I mean nap.  Or do I mean run away? 

Today's quote is, "Escape through the womb of sleep your fears and pain but sleep will end and the light of day will arrive when you will need to face those fears."  Sleep.  The ultimate escape indeed.  When every problem you have ceases to exist.  Sleeping takes you to a place without getting into your car but eventually you will wake up and have to face whatever it is you were trying to disappear from.

Who wants to deal with problems?  Who enjoys confrontation?  Like you, I dread both.  I could feel my stomach twisting in knots when there are things I don't want to face but sleeping through them is a temporary fix.  Many times our imagination takes us to far worse places and what we think are real problems are merely nuisances.  It is important to know the difference and not turn that tiny hill into an insurmountable mountain.  

With a quiet mind and a calm demeanor we can approach our problems with clarity and see them for what they are without placing fear before them.  Never belittle sleep, for sleep is a wonderful thing but when it is time for sleep don't use is as an escape but for much needed rest at the end of a long day!

Have a wonderful Thursday everyone! ~Love, Amy

To learn more about what I do, visit my website:
To schedule an in-person or remote Reiki session with me, visit my website: sessions OR email me at

Wednesday, May 15, 2019


Good morning everyone.  Happy Wednesday.  Some days I wake up absolutely starving while on others I forget eat my breakfast until lunch time rolls around.  We know that if we haven't eaten our stomachs will let us know we are hungry.  Our bodies give us all sorts of signs when we are happy, mad or scared.  Do you ever wonder why certain things make your heart flutter and your chest tighten? 

A hunger that I am speaking of is not one of feeding your craving but one that feeds your soul.  Today's quote is, "Hunger for the knowledge of your ancestors - the ones who feed your soul and carry memories of all your past lives."  So what is this quote saying.  It is telling you that the fears that seem inexplicable to you may not really be yours.  They may belong to you through a long line of ancestors.  

We are a culmination of our past.  We are not just us.  We are our parents, grandparents, great grandparents.  We were our brothers and sisters and our spouses.  There are pieces of them in all of us, their fears and hopes passed down to the living beings we are today.  Our present lives remember our ancestors and those who we were in lives no longer lived.  

The person you are now has been here before.  It could be the reason you love certain sounds like crashing ocean waves or the scent of a floral perfume is so familiar.  We've been here before and we will return once again.  

Have a wonderful Wednesday everyone! ~Love, Amy   

To learn more about what I do, visit my website:
To schedule an in-person or remote Reiki session with me, visit my website: sessions OR email me at

Tuesday, May 14, 2019


Good morning everyone.  Happy Tuesday.  Today is a regular Tuesday for me.  Nothing special.  It began the same way my work days do. Get up, turn on the coffee, make my celery juice, post on FB and Insta, practice yoga, shower, walk Mia and then out the door. 

The most relaxed I am in the morning is when I walk Mia.  It is my time to breathe in fresh air, listen to the birds and admire the beauty all around me.  It is also when I feel connected to higher vibrations.  The vibrations that allow this beauty to exist.  Today's quote is, "Feel God's grace everywhere you go - be comforted knowing he is a God of love, hope, generosity and abundance."  

It is hard to feel the presence of God when we are running around busy with errands or just our crazy day but it is important to take a moment and know that even in times of craziness and uncertainty there exists that higher vibration.  

Call it God or not but know there is something bigger than all of us that truly wants us to thrive and be happy, who wants us to be hopeful and joyful, grateful and faithful to the fact that everything will work out in our favor.

To know that abundance is not just a word but something our lives will be filled with.  This higher vibration is filled with kindness and warmth and most of all love.  All you have to do is stop for a moment and know that it is real and that is exists.

Have a wonderful Tuesday everyone! Love, Amy

To learn more about what I do, visit my website:
To schedule an in-person or remote Reiki session with me, visit my website: OR email me at

Monday, May 13, 2019


Good morning everyone.  Happy Monday.  You know when you are in a bad mood and someone asks you if you got up on the wrong side of the bed?  If you really did get up on a side you are not accustomed to you might feel disoriented and not yourself.

There are times we come across people who get under our skin.  The ones who don't treat us the way we like to be treated.  The ones who say things that make us scratch our heads.  The ones who we just don't like no matter how hard we try.  Most of what happens does so for a reason just like there is a reason why people we would not want to have dinner with are in our lives.

Today's quote is, "There are no wrong people who appear in our lives - they are the ones who show up to teach us what we need to learn."  We've all been here before.  You've all heard me say that.  Our souls come back again and again because some of us are slow learners.  For whatever reason that person we are not fond of is here to teach us something.  

From someone who is envious we can learn gratitude.  From someone who is mean we can learn kindness.  From someone who is indifferent we can learn compassion.  From someone who is always miserable we can learn sympathy.  There is always something we can learn. 

 When we are confronted with people who push our buttons, stop for a moment to look more deeply as to why it happened but more importantly from where it came.  You will find that the problem lies not with you the recipient but with the one who is envious, nasty, aloof and depressed.  Every event teaches us something and everyone we meet is also our teacher.  

Have a wonderful Monday everyone! ~Love, Amy

To learn more about what I do, visit my website:
To schedule an in-person or remote Reiki session with me, visit my website: sessions OR email me at

Friday, May 10, 2019


Good morning everyone and happy Friday.  What did you wake up thinking about this morning?  How you would rather stay in bed?  What lies ahead for the day?  Maybe you thought of nothing at all and that's OK.  Those kinds of thoughts are the ones that run through your head everyday.  Like what are you going to have for lunch or if you're out of milk.

The thoughts that carry real weight are thoughts created from fear.  "Do I have enough money to have dinner with my friend?"  "Is the repair for the_____ going to cost a fortune?"  I chose to talk about money because lack of it is a common fear for many.  Lack does not just pertain to money but to relationships, career and even fun.  Will there be enough?

Instead of focusing on the amount of money you have or don't have in the bank, the quality of relationships you have in your life and the amount of free time you wish you had, focus on what is already there.  If you have a job, you have money.  If your relationship needs a boost, stop complaining about it and talk to your partner.  If you want more time for fun, get organized.  There are always ways we can improve our lives and create what we want.

Today's quote is, "With our thoughts we create abundance and scarcity - we look at life as a gift from God or a punishment to endure - creation is all in our hands."  This is an example of how we can manifest exactly what we want in our lives.  Let's talk about money.  Who doesn't say, "I wish I had a million dollars!"  What we are really saying is I wish I had more.  But what you are sending out to the Universe is, I don't have enough. 

Even when I am literally down to my last dollar, I always have enough to do and to buy what I want and need.  Every single time!  That's because I discovered the power of positive affirmations.   If you are holding onto lack, try the affirmation, "I have enough." Lack is a mindset.  So is enough.  So is abundance.  Wouldn't you prefer to know your cup is full rather than the well is dry?   I know I do.
It is your choice what to create.  I say go for abundance!

Have a great Friday everyone! ~Love, Amy

To learn moare about what I do, visit my website:
To schedule an in-person or remote Reiki session with me, visit my website: sessions OR email me at

Thursday, May 9, 2019


Good morning everyone.  Happy Thursday.  If you have shoes that hurt your feet its time to get rid of them.  Clothing you never wear? Time to bring it to the community center.  Those leftovers sitting in the fridge past expiration?  Throw them in the trash.

You know what else needs to get thrown out?  Those old beliefs you carry around about yourself.  The ones that are self-defeating and discouraging.  Today's quote is, "Old beliefs may say you are undeserving and unworthy of love, joy and happiness - remove them from your life and live your best one starting now."  Once you get rid of what you don't need and what no longer serves you, you are free to move on.

The concept is an easy one but the practice is not.  Old beliefs are ones that have been ingrained in us usually from the time we are very young either from ourselves or from what we heard.  Things we were told like, you're stupid, your'e lazy, you will never be...., you can never get....  or go or do.  That negativity sticks to us like glue especially when we want to venture to new territory.   Those old beliefs rear their ugly heads every single time and paralyze us.

Well guess what!  You are no longer 7 or 10 or 14 or 12.  You are now an adult taking responsibility for many things and one of them should be your belief system.  Just like your phone gets an upgrade your belief systems need one too.  It has taken me a life time to rid myself of some of the things I was told about myself but I did it.  Was it easy?  No.  Am I still working on myself?  All the time!  Just like you, I am a work in progress.  Release those old beliefs that say you are undeserving and unworthy otherwise you will be eating a lot of yucky leftovers!

Have a wonderful Thursday everyone! ~Love, Amy

To learn more about what I do, visit my website:
To schedule an in-person or remote Reiki session with me, visit my website: sessions OR email me at

Wednesday, May 8, 2019


Good morning everyone and happy Wednesday.  So much to do.  So much to take care of.  The house, the dog, the never ending dinners and laundry and don't forget the gym, yoga, and the endless list of errands and general "stuff."  Ahh, it feels so good when you can cross something off that never ending list.

Like chores on our to do list we also have obstacles that need to be moved out of the way.  Obstacles such as fear, anger and anxiety to name a few of the more popular ones.  That feeling of clarity and light when we move through them is heaven and should be celebrated yet we tend to focus only on all the other ones we need to defeat.

Today's quote is, "Conquer one fear at a time - for one obstacle out of the way is forward motion."
If you think of all those things on your to do list you get overwhelmed.  If you think of emotions that get in your way that too is overwhelming.  That's why taking baby steps is as effective as giant ones.

Not everyone can jump into a situation with both feet and hit the ground running.  Some dip their toes in bit by bit until they are comfortable.  Either way you are going forward and not backward and that my friends is progress.  No matter how long it takes you to move through fears, as long as you are moving forward you are most certainly going in the right direction!

Have a wonderful Wednesday everyone! ~Love, Amy

To learn more about what I do, visit my website:
To schedule an in-person or remote Reiki session with me, visit my website: sessions OR email me at

Tuesday, May 7, 2019


Good morning everyone.  Happy Tuesday.  One day begins and then it ends followed by another day that also begins and ends followed by another one and another one, etc. etc.  Whatever you put off yesterday can be tackled today or tomorrow if you so desire.  We can't always get to everything nor do we always want to. 

We go through many situations in our lives.  Some are fondly remembered while others we wish never happened.  We cross paths with those who leave an indelible print for better or worse but served a purpose for a moment in time.  When unpleasant events end and certain people exit our lives it is only then that we can start once again to continue to reach our goals and travel on our respective paths.

Today's quote is, "Consider the end to be your fresh start - the end was necessary to begin anew."  When an ending is near, take that long deep breath and let it go!  You are now ready to start over.  An ending is not a death.  It is closure on what no longer is needed in your life.  Good, bad or indifferent, whatever you went through was needed to help you go forward.   A beginning cannot occur without an ending.  Celebrate both equally and celebrate the brand new day on the horizon! 

Have a wonderful Tuesday everyone! ~Love, Amy

To learn more about what I do, visit my website:

To schedule an in-person or remote Reiki session with me, visit my website: sessions OR email me at

Monday, May 6, 2019


Good morning all.  Happy Monday.  I can't tell you how many times I've almost tripped over Mia in my upstairs hallway.  Her mocha coloring blends in with my carpet even with the light on.  Thank goodness for light!  I seriously wonder how many people were critically injured because they fell in the dark, pre-lightbulb.

I've lived through a few blackouts where you can't see the fingers on your hand or your hand for that matter.  Light is a wonderful thing and impossible to live without.  The other light needed to help us find our way is the proverbial light bulb that goes off in our heads when we finally "get it!"

Today's quote is, "Carry a lantern to light up the night and illuminate your path."  In order to find your way, you must be able to see.  A lantern will light up the night.  That inner awakening will light up your mind so you can find your way on your life's path.

We all have a path and eventually find our way but it takes some of us longer than others to find that on switch.  If you are feeling stuck as if there is more out there for you, you are already on the right track to your path and know that the dimmer switch has been turned on.  In the right moment and the right time that switch will go from dim to bright!

Have a wonderful Monday everyone! ~Love, Amy

To learn more about what I do, visit my website:
To schedule an in-person or remote Reiki session with me, visit my website: sessions OR email me at

Friday, May 3, 2019


Good morning everyone and happy Friday.  End of the week.  Time for that collective sigh and to release whatever happened.  Why?  Because its gone and what is gone is no longer needed.  A lot of us have trouble letting go.  We perseverate on yesterday.  What went wrong, what went right, how it could have been done differently, and we do this over and over again.  All that does is put us right back where we started.

Today's quote is, "Do it - let go - what you thought you needed only held you back."  You may have needed that person, event, situation or thought at one time but if that person, event, situation or thought is no longer needed then kindly release it to the atmosphere and let it be gone forever.  Holding tight to what is gone stops you from going ahead.  

Sucks to be stuck and it sucks even more when we do it to ourselves.  Every time our thoughts are not in the present we are going backwards.  I'm not talking about a memory from a fun trip or a really great dinner or a special celebration.  I'm talking what you left behind that no longer served you.  If you walked away, you did it for a reason.  It is so longer needed and neither is the memory.

Next time you take a shower visualize yourself washing away whatever is no longer needed in your life and watch it go down the drain.  Your body will be clean and fresh but more importantly, so will your spirit.  

Have a wonderful Friday everyone! ~Love, Amy

To learn more about what I do, visit my website:
To schedule an in-person or remote Reiki session with me, visit my website: sessions OR ema
il me at

Thursday, May 2, 2019


Good morning everyone and happy Thursday.  When you looked outside today did you notice the greener more lush grass or did you focus on the twigs still lying on the lawn.  Did  you see the fresh pot of coffee brewing or did you grumble when you saw a dirty dish in the sink.  Our perception is unique to us because it is the way we see things.  Not everyone sees things the same way.  

Today's quote is, "While one person sees a rose another may only see thorns."  I know the thorns are there but I choose to focus on the softness of the petals and the beauty of their color.  You can look at anything in more than one way and it is your viewpoint that will set the tone or change your mood.  It is the glass half full syndrome.  

As often as possible I try to keep my outlook positive.  Life is not always smooth sailing but problems do get resolved even if it takes longer than you would like them to.  Change the word problem to challenge.  Look at the rain as nourishing the ground, not making your hair frizz.  Take the one usual way you look at things and challenge yourself to see it another.

Expand your mind and expand your view and remember, there are two sides to every coin.

Have a wonderful Thursday everyone! ~Love, Amy

To learn more about what I do, visit my website:
To schedule an in-person or remote Reiki session with me, visit my website: sessions OR email me at

Wednesday, May 1, 2019


Good morning everyone.  Happy Wednesday.  AND....Happy May.  MAY!  Can you believe it?  Before you know it I will be wishing everyone a happy Summer Solstice but not quite yet.  We have thirty one days to enjoy this glorious month.  There are more glorious days ahead as well so if you didn't get to something, don't worry.  

Are you the forgetful type?  When you go to a friend's house do you sometimes leave something behind like your gloves or your favorite tupperware!  Gosh I hate when I do that but if I do, I can always go back and reclaim it.

One day in the very far future we will all leave behind something very precious when our bodies depart from this earth.  We will be leaving our lives and our loved ones.  This is not something I think about on a daily basis or ever to be honest.  I plan on being around for a lot longer as I have too much to do and too much to say but way down the road, it will happen to me and to you and to everyone we all know.  

If there is a plus side to departing from this earth it is the fact that your soul will not.  That's right.  Please don't be surprised by what I am writing.  After all you have been with me on this journey for quite some time!  Your soul will depart from your body but never from this earth.  Allow the quote of the day to explain, "In this lifetime you are a guest on this earth - if you leave something behind have no fear - you shall return."   Knowing that, I hope you just breathed a big sigh of relief.  

Our souls come back.  There are things our souls just cannot get to in just one lifetime, therefore they return again and again.  They return so they can learn what they didn't in previous lifetimes and to make amends with the dear ones in their lives.  Those deja vu moments that we all have is because this is not our first rodeo.  Those familiar faces we see but can't place?  That's because they were in your life, just not this one.  

Integrity is a virtue that we must try hard to maintain while we are visitors on this earth but there will be times when we will make mistakes and use poor judgement.  Know that we will not be punished for our indiscretions but rather we will return to live the more correct path.  When your loved ones pass, allow yourself to be sad and to grieve but find solace in the fact that you will indeed meet again.

Have a wonderful Wednesday everyone! ~Love, Amy

To learn more about what I do, visit my website:
To schedule an in-person or remote Reiki session with me, visit my website: sessions OR email me at