Good morning everyone and happy Thursday. When learning new things "don't give up" becomes a mantra but sometimes those new things we learn are really hard. The perfect pie crust took many tries. To do anything well you need to practice but sometimes we just don't want to and find that giving up is much easier.
Today's quote is, "Giving up just means you aren't ready." Why does giving up have such a bad connotation? It conjures up thoughts of laziness and no one wants to be considered lazy. We never think of giving up as not being ready. You can be told the same thing over and over and over again but unless you are ready to hear what is being said, it will fall on deaf ears.
Be kind to yourself. Refrain from thinking of giving up as a negative. Think of it as a way of taking a break until you are prepared to sail!
Have a wonderful Thursday everyone! ~Love, Amy
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