Wednesday, May 31, 2017


Good Morning!  Wednesday.  Dreams galore. Walking on the beach, traveling, very busy!  No wonder I am tired.  Busy night but still woke up without my alarm.   Why is it that no matter how much you sleep in previous days, it is still not enough on other days?  A question that may never be answered!  We all dream.  I dream so vividly that sometimes I feel like I never slept. 

Some look at sleep as a waste of time but it's not.  It is a way of course for us to refresh our bodies and minds and many times because of our dreams, it is a way to help us solve issues in our lives and problems we may have.  Today's quote, "Options are there - they always are - be open minded and see them all."  We have all heard of the phrase, "there are two ways to skin a cat."  Wow, thinking about that saying.  Pretty awful!  However, the message is that there are more ways than one to do something.  To do ANYTHING! 

We have to be resourceful and intelligent about the way in which we go about things.  Life forces us to be creative and use powers that we never knew we had.  Sometimes we don't see all of our options immediately but if we are open.  If we allow help in, things will come to us. 

There is never a dead end even if it might seem so.  Every bad situation has a way to change for the better.  It may take time and it may take work but know you are never stuck.  Breathe, always breathe before making any drastic decisions.  Help can come from ways you never imagined.  Be positive and most of all, always keep your options open!  Have a wonderful Wednesday everyone!~Love, Amy

Tuesday, May 30, 2017


Good Morning all!  I hope you had a wonderful and restful long weekend.  I did not write yesterday but I am back this morning!  Even though the weather is not what it should be for this time of year I still feel like summer is here and we should be headed to the beach!  Not feeling very beachy yet unfortunately but before you know it, the weather will do what it always does.  Go from 0 to 60!  Meaning going from cool to hot and no in between.

That does not mean I am not happy for the season.  I love them all.  Today's quote, "No one person and not one thing should make you dependent on your own happiness."  That can absolutely relate to the weather as well.  Sure we like to see the sun shining as opposed to the rain falling but that should not make us any happier.  A new pair of shoes is always fun but we should be just as happy with them or without them.

Most of all we should not rely on anyone to make us happy or sad or miserable or depressed.  Does that happen?  All the time.  It is said that no one can make you happy or sad, it is the power you give them.  Can we miss people?  Of course.  Can we be angry at someone?  Of course.  We are all emotional beings but we cannot let the actions of others determine our own happiness. 

If you don't like the way you are treated it is up to you to rethink your relationship or friendship.  Everyone needs to learn to love themselves and love their own company.  Only when that happens will you really be happy.  No one can ever make you happy.  That will always come from within.  People should compliment one another, laugh together and have fun.  When you can smile by yourself, others will always smile with you!  Have a wonderful Tuesday everyone!~Love, Amy

Sunday, May 28, 2017


Good Morning on this Sunday before a day off!  I definitely slept longer than usual.  My body was telling me to.  Feels like such a lazy Sunday but I do have things I need to do so let's get started.  Today's quote, "Life will take you to magnificent places if you let it."  Another seemingly simply saying but true as well.

Where do you want to go?  Do you stop yourself?  Sometimes you are the only one getting in your way.  Stop doing that.  Trust and go with the flow!  Let things happen and they will always happen for the best.  Life is like that.  I've said it so many times and I will continue to say the same thing but sometimes you really have to let go and give in. 

Be amazed at life and be happy where you are.  Never stop wanting your dreams but let life be a sailboat taking you down a glorious river or even better, an ocean.  Life can be a wonderful journey if you can let go of expectations and let down your guard. 

Try it for today and see how you feel.  Take a deep breath and let go and enjoy the journey!  Have a wonderful Sunday everyone!~Love, Amy

Saturday, May 27, 2017


Good Morning and happy Saturday.  My house is so quiet and still.  Ugg - so much to accomplish today BUT - it will get done.  First is this and then Mia.  She will be at my feet any time now.  I put my sweatshirt on so she thinks it's her turn!

Today's quote, "You might think it's luck but it is the Universe telling you it's your turn."  Did something ever happen to you that you wanted and a friend tells you how lucky you are?  When something bad happens you are unlucky but when something good happens you are lucky. 

No.  There is no luck.  Luck has nothing to do with anything.  When something good happens that you have worked very hard on it is you manifestation and the Universe letting you know, O.K.  Now you are ready!  I have been in my house for just about 18 years.  I remember so well coming up here every weekend for months to look at houses. 

None of them seemed right except this one.  I absolutely loved this house and no other.  The realtor told us we were third on the list but my response to her was, "This is my house."  Of course she thought I was crazy.  I had to wait it out a bit but in the end, this was my house.  I knew it, the Universe knew it, I just had to wait. 

Lots of things are already decided and not by us.  They have been decided by a power much stronger than we are.  Now of course being what you want and doing what you want takes work but know that it will all come to fruition when the time is right, when you are ready and when the Universe tells you, it is YOUR turn!  Have a wonderful Saturday everyone!~Love, Amy

Friday, May 26, 2017


Good Morning!  It's Friday!  The holiday weekend is upon us.  Hope you have great plans or no plans or that you can do just what you want.  Three days in a row is wonderful but sometimes it's still not enough time.  Aw, time.  Something we always want more of except of course if you are engaged in boredom.  Yes, engaged in boredom.  That is real.  When you are bored, try and disengage.  Daydream!  Yes, I am telling you to daydream.  Keep a journal with you and write things down.  Even when you are calm, your mind is thinking.  Write those thoughts down if you can. 

The weather is going to be nice for the actual weekend so if you have a bbq, you are in luck.  What about the weather in your soul?  Today's quote, "You don't need a weatherman to tell you if a storm is brewing."  Isn't that true!  We can feel things just like animals know when a storm is brewing, we know too.  The air changes.  It feels different and smells different.  That change can be a great thing though as uncomfortable as it is in the beginning.

Change scares us because it takes us out of our comfort zone but it is necessary for growth.  Sometimes there is a raging storm inside us because of the boredom factor.  Because we know we have to do something.  Yesterday was new moon wishes.  Talk about a storm brewing.  Did you feel anxious yesterday?  Were you not feeling yourself?  That's exactly how I was.  Something was off. 

Even during the night.  I had very vivid dreams and a headache even while I was sleeping.  Change is happening so fast for me that it is taking a bit of a toll on me physically but I know it is all good.  Don't be afraid if you have similar feelings.  Taking action to change your life is huge and even if you are ready you will feel it in many ways. 

Don't look at a storm as a bad thing.  Go with it.  Remember, there is a calm before a storm but after a storm there is often a rainbow!  Have a wonderful Friday everyone!~Love, Amy

Thursday, May 25, 2017


Good Morning all!  It's Thursday.  New moon wishes day!  It happens once a month.  This is the day the Universe will hear you and you will be closer to what it is you want in life, with people, relationships, career, you name it.  Today's quote, "On this day of new moon wishes communicate with the universe for today she is all ears just waiting to hear from you." 

Wishes don't manifest over night although some will manifest faster than others.  This is a practice I have been doing for at least nine years.  Yes!  Nine years.  It is not that she didn't hear me all these years.  Oh she heard me.  But everything has to be right.  Just like that phrase, the stars have to align.  The universe is very powerful and knows the right time. 

That is why sometimes you think you want something but it turns out it really isn't something in your best interest.  I knew and know exactly what I want but the timing in my life needed to be right.  It needed to work around my family, my current schedule, things that are already in existence.  If what I wanted happened even six years ago, I can tell you right now it would not have worked out AT ALL!

Everything is happening the way I want and fast at this point in my life.  I can guarantee it will be the same for you.  Know what you want, write it down and watch it manifest but also know the Universe knows better than you so don't give up!  Remember, ten handwritten wishes and may your dreams come true!  Have a wonderful Thursday everyone!~Love, Amy

Wednesday, May 24, 2017


Good Morning all!  Hump day as they say.  Smack dab in the middle.  Busy day for me today.  I have a client coming early this morning for a Reiki session and then I'm off to pick up my college boy!  Very excited to see him, even his laundry.  Well, maybe not his laundry but definitely will be nice to have him home.  The dynamics of a house completely change when one of the family members is not there and then changes dramatically again.  So too does your food bill but a small price to pay!

This is the first time I have had such an early Reiki session but this is what the client wants so this is what she gets!  I'm available, I don't have to leave until a bit later so why not?  People who come for healing really need it and usually when an appointment is made the client is so excited to get that healing energy.  Today's quote, "Are you ready to go where you've never been before" can apply to me today.  Yes I am doing what I love, doing it in a space I never thought I would, (my home) and now a time that although seems to some a bit early, this is what I need to do to show my support for my clients.

It's all about what it is you want.  Can you push yourself to do things at different times, reorganize your day?  What is it that you can do to change your current situation if it does not please you? Going where you have never been before is a metaphor for change.  Sometimes you need to push yourself and stop saying what we all do and hoping what we all hope.  "I wish this would happen or that would happen." 

Nothing just happens.  NOTHING!  There is effort to everything.  If you are not willing to put any in then don't expect results.  If the same old way is not working, find one that does and don't stop until you get there.  You will eventually get there.  Know it takes time, patience, hard work and most of all a willingness to go to the unknown.  Is it scary? YES!  Is it rewarding when you make it?  ABSOLUTELY!  Have a wonderful Wednesday everyone!~Love, Amy

Tuesday, May 23, 2017


Good Morning!  It's Tuesday and I'm really looking forward to tomorrow!  Of course I will find something wonderful about today but I get to pick up my son tomorrow.  What could be better than that?  He has completed two years of college.  That's amazing.  Where did the time go?  I feel like he just started.  What's been so nice is seeing the change that's come over him in a relatively short period of time.  Many things can change you and college is certainly one of them.

It is incredible for me to see just how different he is now than when he was in high school.  He is just one example.  When we want to change, we can.  Events can change us.  Life experience can change us but we have to want that change.  Today's quote, "Everyone is capable of transformation."  We absolutely are.  When the desire is there - change will occur.  It will always be a matter of how much effort are you willing to put into it but certainly you are more than capable. 

Is this repetitive?  Yes.  Do we sometimes need to hear it again and again?  Yes.  You are not stuck.  You only think you are.  What do you want to change?  Write it down.  Thursday you will get your chance.  Thursday is New Moon wishes.  A time to manifest all that you want but don't wait until Thursday.  Make today the start of that transformation and a brand new you!  Have a wonderful Tuesday everyone!~Love, Amy

Monday, May 22, 2017


Good Morning!  Wasn't it just the weekend?  You blink your eyes and it's gone.  Good thing another one will always be there!  I did have a really nice one.  I hope you all did too.  Yesterday was a fantastic day for me.  I went to a wonderful Sound Bowl Meditation.  Interestingly I felt very fidgety for quite some time during the meditation and at one point I got a tickle in my throat.  All of a sudden I felt like I disappeared and then came back.  When it was over I felt strangely energized!

That's what meditation does.  Sometimes you are ready for a nice long nap and sometimes you are rockin and rollin!  That was me yesterday.  I came home like a Whirling Dervish doing laundry, straightening things out and when that was done, my husband and I went to the Bridge over the Hudson for a lovely afternoon. 

Of course I could have stayed home and taken Mia on another long, long walk and sat around reading the paper but on a nice day I thought, let's do something different.  Tired of the same Sunday.  Today's quote, "Place more emphasis on what you are going to do - not what you already did."  It's time for me to make big changes in my life.  All three of my children will be in college in the Fall.  It will be very strange I can assure you. 

I'm not one of those holding on to sentimentality because they need to go.  They need to go for themselves and they are so ready.  I can't be sad and maudlin over what for them is a wonderful thing but I can miss the noise that will be in my house, the morning hellos and even the good night kisses that I still get.  It's time for me to move on too. 

As a parent many reminisce about the good old sports days and how they wish they could go back.  You can't go back.  You can only go forward.  How are you going to live your life now?  What are you going to do to change the present.  Living only in the past is a dangerous thing.  It prevents you from living today.  It prevents you from your full potential.  Look fondly on what was but don't pine for something that can never be. 

Everyone moves on.  Think about how wonderful it is to have time to pursue what you always wanted to do and one day you will proudly surprise yourself at all you are capable of!  Have a wonderful Monday everyone!~Love, Amy

Sunday, May 21, 2017


Good Morning!  Ah Sunday!  Several teenage boys sleeping in my basement and some upstairs.  They won't be seeing the light of day for some time.  BUT - here I am bright and early as usual.  I can't sleep late for days in a row.  I'm up, refreshed and ready to go!  Today I am going to a Sound Bowl Meditation.  I've been before and have spoken about it.  You meditate to sounds.  Each sound resonating within you.  It is soothing, healing and simply magnificent.

I love meditation.  Certainly that is one thing you all know about me but more importantly, I know that about myself.  Having been to this particular meditation before I know that I love it.  I know that I can "get there" and I know that because this meditation is in the late morning, I will be able to do the other things I want to today.

Today's quote, "We all have our abilities, capabilities and limits - know your three."  I can't stress how important that is for everyone.  Who knows us better than ourselves?  When people ask you to do them a favor and you can't, say no!  If someone wants you to do something that you just don't want to do, then again say no.  But we don't.  We feel bad.  We don't want anyone else to feel bad and so we do that favor with resentment.

Better not to do it at all.  If you do something with resentment you are not putting in the proper effort anyway.  There will always be someone out there trying to push your limits.  The only person doing that should be you.  Do what it is that you want to the best of your ability.  Know what it is you can and cannot do.  Set limits for yourself.  Don't let anyone place these things upon you.  How could I meditate if someone says to me, "You have to do this?"

But when someone says, "You would really love this but do it when you are ready."  That is what I always say.  You cannot push someone into something they are not ready for and that is where you yourself have to know when you are able, when you can and when it is out of reach.  Love yourself and when you do you will know yourself completely!  Have a wonderful Sunday everyone!~Love, Amy

Saturday, May 20, 2017


Good Morning all!  Saturday is here.  Busy day for you or just the weekend stuff.  I keep saying we need more weekend days but no one is listening!  A four day work week would really be the best.  Oh well.  We just have to pack it all in in our two days.  Let's be thankful that we at least have that!

Speaking of the work week, how was yours?  Do you like the people who work with you?  Do you like your supervisors or are they just big bullies?  Today's quote, "Bullies are people who want power but have none - have compassion - not fear."  I bet your mother even told you that one but it's true!  People with absolutely no power but want it push others around.  It's not nice and makes everyone uncomfortable but if you at least know why it helps to understand.

It is still not pleasant to be pushed around or bullied by anyone but if you truly know from where it comes perhaps you can be more understanding to these people.  Understand that they themselves feel so helpless, so useless that this is the only thing that gives them a sense of importance.  You cannot change certain people and in some cases, especially in a work environment, you cannot point it out either. 

What you can do is never be that way yourself.  There is a lot more power in being a wonderful, happy and supportive person who everyone wants to be around.  Next time anyone tries to show you their muscle, be understanding and sympathetic.  And also as your mother said, be the bigger person!  Have a wonderful Saturday everyone!~Love, Amy

Friday, May 19, 2017


Good Morning !  A happy hot Friday to all.  I am a little later than usual today.  I was able to sleep a bit longer as I have a different schedule today.  Who doesn't love extra sleep.  In our busy days we all need it.  However, today's quote says,  "Sleep at night - not through your life."  Sleep needs to be used for rest and rejuvenation.  Don't let sleep be an escape.  Trust me on that one! 

When I was a little girl my mom would always know if I was upset about something because I would literally just go to sleep in the hopes that whatever was bothering me would simply disappear.  Problems don't just disappear.  Situations don't just go away.  We have to deal with things head.  If we want something to happen it's on us.

Dreaming about it won't make it happen or make it work.  Dreams are good.  They help us work out our problems.  Not all the time but certainly sometimes.  Sleep is great but go there when you are tired.  When you have had a full day.  When  you did today what you meant to do.  So many of us just coast along as if we are sleeping during the day.  Sure there are days to coast but don't do it all the time.

Be a doer, make things happen.  Feel good about your accomplishments no matter how small for that is a beginning.  When you sleep have wonderful dreams and a restful night but when the morning comes, jump out of bed, make a plan and make things happen!  Have a wonderful Friday everone!~Love, Amy

Thursday, May 18, 2017


Good Morning!  Where did this week go?  Thursday already.  Monday dragged but here we are.  Onward and forward!  Did anyone have an adventure yesterday?  Did anything out of the ordinary happen or was it just a typical day for you?  Remember yesterday's blog was about looking forward to each day with enthusiasm.  I have to say right now all I would like to do is go back to sleep but I had a great day yesterday and I will have another one today.

Sleepiness is temporary!  I will try very hard to not let it get in the way.  What are the things that get in your way?  What do you allow to get in your way?  Sometimes it is reliving what was.  Today's quote, "If you constantly relive the past - if you can't separate the past from the present - the past will be your future."  Hmm what does that mean?  It means you will never get out of your rut!

Things happen good, bad, awful, terrible but also wonderful and amazing.  You have to move forward.  You cannot get stuck.  You can but it won't do you any good.  If you are only thinking about what was how can you ever think about what will be?  You need to give yourself a fighting chance to know that things will change.  Memories of great times and events are wonderful to have and to keep but don't get stuck there.

My twins will be in college in September.  So many moms out there say how they miss those soccer days.  I look back at them fondly.  They were fun.  It was fun being with the kids and other families but do I long for those days?  Not at all.  I love whatever is happening now.  Do I wish I was starting over with little babies?  No.  Do I look lovingly back at those early days with babies?  Of course.  But I will never say those were the best times. 

Let your best times be now.  Live and love for now for now is exactly where we are.  Have a wonderful Thursday everyone!~Love, Amy

Wednesday, May 17, 2017


Good Morning all!  Did all your budgets pass?  That's what was happening in all these towns yesterday.  The town I am in passed which for the kids in the schools is always good and the people voted in for our local school got in as well.  In another state, my oldest son begins his finals in college.  Back here my twins are wrapping up their last year of high school.  I am going to take a yoga class today.  I hadn't taken one in so long that when I did take one I have to admit I was a bit nervous.  That was last month.  My intentions to return were good but something always seemed to get in the way.  Well, there is nothing in the way today and I will once again take a class!

So many changes are occurring in my own family and with myself.  What about you?  Today's quote, "Your life's journey is far from complete - look forward to each day with enthusiasm."  If I look at my children, their life is just beginning.  Of course you talk to them and they know everything but we know they have so much ahead of them.  Some years back my husband was fired from a company he had been with for over 20 years.  "Time to end our relationship," is the exact sentence they used.  Devastating at first but that led him to where he is today working on an amazing project that never would have happened had he not been fired!

And of course there is me.  My journey is leading me to wonderful places doing things I never thought I would be doing, mainly my healings.  Even my parents are still on their journey.  88 and 95 and still going strong!  They even planned a Paris trip.  Does anyone ever wake up and say this is it?  I don't think so and I certainly hope not.  Life is a wonderful journey.  Sure there are ups and downs, devastations and celebrations but that is life.  A continuous circle of events. 

Do you really know what is going to happen today?  I'm sure you have some idea but isn't it wonderful when those surprises come seemingly out of nowhere?  It can happen today.  Be open, be enthusiastic!  You never know!  Have a wonderful Wednesday everyone!~Love, Amy

Tuesday, May 16, 2017


Good Morning all!  Why did I think yesterday was Wednesday?  Don't know but today is Tuesday and we are off to a beautiful start.  Late night last night for me.  I had my Guided Meditation class, sat with her friend while she had dinner and then watched something fascinating on PBS.  A much later night for me than is my usual but I awoke to the sound of birds!  What a wonderful way to wake up.  Mother Nature wishing me a good day.

As sluggish as I was feeling a little while ago the sound of the birds is very inspiring and I am.  Have you ever thought about what you would do if you could do anything?  Today's quote, "The limits that are there are the ones you give yourself."  We do that to ourselves all the time simply by saying everything you can't do.  What about changing that sentence because when you do your mindset is automatically changed. 

The first thing you need to do is eliminate these sentences, "I could never," "I will never," "It can't happen to me," etc. etc. You could certainly fill in many more.  We are taught to limit ourselves from such a young age and it continues until no one is responsible for squashing our dreams except ourselves.

It's time to stop!  Dreams are to be lived.  You are here now.  Why wait till another lifetime.  Spring is a time of rebirth and rejuvenation.  Rejuvenate yourself.  Remember who you used to be and all those dreams and desires you once had.  End those limits today.  Change those sentences to "I can," "I will," and "It can happen to me!"  Every day is a new chance for a new beginning.  Believe it and start living your dreams!  Have a wonderful Tuesday everyone!~Love, Amy

Monday, May 15, 2017


Good Morning all on this Monday, the day after Mother's Day.  I hope you didn't miss me too much yesterday as I took a day off from my blog.  I thought yesterday was self explanatory.  To wish your mom a happy Mother's Day and to let her know how much you love her!  My college boy called me without a reminder from his dad which to me is wonderful and my twins each bought me a dozen roses!  I did the girl thing with my daughter  - went for manies and pedies.  Later in the afternoon I took a nice walk with my other son, took photos of butterflies and got caught in the rain! 

I saw an interesting movie yesterday about 4 child monks.  Very interesting.  When you think of all the "stuff" our kids have and still want more to these children who eat once a day and actually say a prayer against greed and want.  And...they were happy!  Aside from praying they also played and were happy in each other's company.  The reason these kids were taken into this monastery was because their parents had died and they were in training for the monastic life.  Instead of looking at it as these poor kids, they were taken care of.  It is just a completely different life.  The point being they were not underfed, sad, miserable.  They were happy children living in a way that children here could not.

There are no rules how people live.  Everyone everywhere is different.  Today's quote, "The rules are there are none - create your own."  Why not?  There is only one you.  You are like no one else so why should you live your life like someone else?  What applies to you does not necessarily apply to someone else.  How you get to where you are going is not the same way as another.  It is like comparing yourself to someone else.  It can't be done so why try. 

Why is that so natural?  This person has that so why can't I have it too?  But whatever that person did to get what they have went about it a different way.  A way that suits them.  Whatever it is you want - you will find a way.  A way that suits you.  I'm not talking about stepping on toes and clawing your way and knocking everyone over.  No.  How you get where you want to and what you want is entirely up to you. 

Create your own life in every aspect.  Be unique, be creative, be yourself because you are you.  You are no one else.  Create the rules, break the rules and remember - they are your rules!  Have a wonderful Monday everyone!~Love, Amy

Saturday, May 13, 2017


Good Morning all on this rainy Saturday but Saturday none the less.  Strange when it seems the week seems to have flown by although at work yesterday the day could not have gone any slower!  I'm sure you have all experienced that.  Long days, fast weeks!  But it all gets done doesn't it?  Some how we all manage to do what we need to.  I needed sleep last night.  I seem to talk about that a lot.  Sleep is a good thing.  We all need it.  Without enough of it you really can't be the best you! 

Sunny days are good for our souls too although there haven't been many of them.  They are sure to come.  When it comes out and it promises to this week, make sure you get out there and get some of those rays.  Nothing more important than sleep and sun.  Today's quote, "The sun does not chooses who to shine upon - it shines upon us all."  It most certainly does.  When you were a child standing outside on a sunny day, didn't you try and move to see if the sun still stayed with you?

Go back to childhood for a moment.  Close your eyes and think about it.  I can remember like it was yesterday standing outside and looking up at the sun and then moving around as if to get away from it and noticing that wherever I went, it was still right above me.  That is a true metaphor for life.  The sun will always shine on you no matter what is going on with you in your life.  That is a guarantee!  No matter what it is you are going through, no matter what difficulties you may face, know that you can count on Mother Nature to be there for you. 

Think of the sun as the Universe's messenger letting you know everything will be alright.  Everything will work out for the best.  We all feel better basking in the rays of a beautiful golden sun.  There is something magical about it.  But the most magical thing to remember is that not only is the sun shining down upon us all but the Universe is too!  Have a wonderful Saturday everyone!~Love, Amy

Friday, May 12, 2017


Good Morning all!  We got through another week.  I had a wonderful meditation last night.  Someone who has been coming brought their friend which is always so nice.  Not only do I love that people are so open to Guided Meditation but as she left I heard her say to her friend, "that was awesome."  Of course the ego part of me loved hearing that but it goes beyond that.  It reflects my quote from yesterday.  This woman had had a job interview and it proved to be very stressful. 

This was only her second time at a Guided Meditation and she did not have a good experience the first time.  It's a challenge to get someone to try something a second time when the first time was a failure but she trusted her friend and she walked out totally relaxed and calm.  That is my goal.  To calm frayed nerves and bring peace of mind to all who walk through my door. 

I believe in what I am doing and have from the start.  Today's quote, "Not having wings does not mean you cannot fly."  Because I believe in what I am doing, word about my Guided Meditation classes is getting out there.  People need this more than ever.  Lives are busy, politics are crazy and people are more stressed than ever before.  I started this journey a little more than a year ago and watched it grow. 

When you are doing something you love and something you believe in it will grow and flourish.  That applies to anything.  Look at the children you have.  You have given them the tools to grow and hope they soar to success.  Put that energy into yourself and whatever it is you want and begin to fly.  Maybe today's quote sounds simple but it is very meaningful.  Nothing is impossible.  Create your own success.  If it is meant to be, it will be yours but you still cannot sit back and wait for things to happen.  Nothing will happen without your efforts.  Let yourself soar and let yourself fly.  Nothing can hold you back except for you!  Have a wonderful Friday everyone!~Love, Amy

Thursday, May 11, 2017


Good Morning all!  Just checked the temperature out there.  37 degrees and this is May!  I feel for the birds.  They must be wondering what is going on out there.  We all know what will happen.  We will wake up and it will be summer but for now, don't put your sweaters away!

Tonight is Guided Meditation night.  Since I have been doing this at home I also love my Thursdays.  I love that people come here so that I can help them and myself.  The benefits I receive from doing a meditation are just as wonderful as if I were a pure meditator. 

Today's quote, "There is no more satisfying way of helping yourself by first helping others."  That statement could not be more truthful.  It is very important to take care of yourself so that you can be the best you can but the feeling you get when you really help someone else is something entirely different.  It is the feeling I get after giving a Reiki session. 

Taking away someone's physical and emotional pain is something that is difficult to describe.  When someone gets off that table feeling better than when they walked in gives me enormous satisfaction.  Being a healer is all about helping but you don't have to be a healer to help others. 

Showing appreciation by saying thank you or telling someone they look nice or simply asking someone how their day is going.  Those are the best ways to help someone else.  I bet you didn't think it would be that simple.  Try it out today.  Reach out to someone you don't normally converse with or someone you do.  Ask them how they are.  If someone holds a door open say thank you.  Sometimes the smallest things can be the biggest.  You have helped someone to have a better day and in turn, your day is better too!  Have a wonderful Thursday everyone!~Love, Amy

Wednesday, May 10, 2017


Good Morning all!  Dreams dreams dreams!  So real tonight!  Wow!  I am tired today and tired thinking about my day.  It will be a busy one but busy with wonderful things.  I have a Reiki session this afternoon with a pregnant client!  Reiki sessions are always wonderful but with this particular client I am actually giving a Reiki session to two people.  Last time she was here I felt the baby moving.  This time it will be that much more because she is further along in her pregnancy.  I haven't felt a baby move since my own children.  So cool!

I will also be seeing tarot readers and other healers at an event this evening so I am looking forward to that.  It is a wonderful and amazing thing to be able to help others whether they are your friend or not.  As a healer most people do become your friend simply because you begin to care about them in a very special way. 

It is important to be there for those you love and for your friends but important to not get lost in someone's problems which could easily happen.  Being separate does not mean not caring.

Today's quote, "Be a support and a friend but don't get lost in the life of someone else - your dreams count."  That means what it says.  Be the most supportive friend you can be but not if it takes over your own life.  You can find yourself lost in someone's problems to the point where they become yours as well.  We all have our own "stuff" and we don't need to take on someone else's at the detriment of ourselves.

Know that this is not mean.  It is important for your own well being!  So be a friend.  Be the most wonderful and amazing friend you can be but make sure that you don't forget about yourself.  Have a wonderful Wednesday everyone!~Love, Amy

Tuesday, May 9, 2017


Good Morning All!  How are we on this second day of the work week?  I had two very odd coincidences yesterday.  I have two friends whose dogs both passed yesterday.  Understandably they were both a mess.  A dog is not just a dog.  A dog is a family member just like a child.  As much as I love dogs I never wanted one.  Mia found her way into our home.  Once here she found her way into our family and hearts.  We even have nicknames for her and call her "the baby."  These other dogs were old but worse they were sick and only hanging on because they loved their owners as much as their owners loved them.

Today's quote, "Getting what you want comes after the Universe gives you exactly what you need."  The Universe for my friends was not about giving them sadness but giving them the knowledge that they were loved unconditionally by their furry family member.  Not to minimize the pain of losing a pet but perhaps they will get another family dog or none at all.  One friend has small children who might want another dog and another friend is busy trying to move and perhaps it will be easier for her now. 

Remember, these pets were very sick and it was time for them to let go of their physical bodies.  That is the only way one could look at death.  As a passing and a necessary step if one is so ill one cannot be happy or comfortable or pain free.  We have to look at the Universe as giving these loved pets what they needed.  A loving home and the freedom to lose the suffering they were experiencing.  Yes, the Universe looks out for our pets as well.

Whatever it is as humans that we want comes in steps.  If you want to be a principal of a school, very rarely do you graduate college and viola!  You are a 22 year old principal.  No.  There are steps you need to take to get you to where you want to be because on your journey you don't know who you will meet.  We all want something.  Think about what it is that you want and how much closer you are to being there today than even yesterday. 

I have been watching with pleasure the growth of my own Reiki and Guided Meditation classes.  I was at a place giving Guided Meditation classes that in hindsight was run by the most unspiritual person.  I can honestly say, she was awful.  But I stayed.  I persisted and I met some wonderful people in the process.  I needed to be in that place even if I was stressed while there.

Ironic!  Stressed as a teacher of Guided Meditation.  The point is that it was a step closer to where I needed to be so the Universe placed me there and truthfully, I have time.  I have no plans of going anywhere and the Universe knows that.  Know that the Universe will always have your best interest at heart.  It is the ultimate support system even if at the moment it does not feel that way.  Unlike Mick Jagger who said you don't always get what you want but you get what you need, you will get what you want - just after it is that you get what you need!  Have a wonderful Tuesday everyone!~Love, Amy

Monday, May 8, 2017


Good Morning all.  How fast did your weekend go?  I should make that a contest but it's probably equal for all of us!  Gosh they go so fast.  Yesterday I didn't even do anything and it still went fast.  I was not bored for a second!  I actually took time for myself to read, take a bath, cook a nice dinner and just be.  But here we all are.  I'm writing and you're reading and we are all ready for another week.

Just curious, did you say something positive this morning?  Whatever it is that I speak of I hope that it lasts longer than the time it is read.  These are all cumulative.  Let positivity build on itself and build on you.  I am here to be a support system for all including myself but you have to not just read and forget it. 

You cannot quit.  Today's quote, "Be a quitter - quit putting yourself down - quit expecting the worst - quit expecting it will never work out."  I like that one if I do say so myself!  It's so true though.  How many of us put ourselves down, expect the worst and expect that nothing great will happen to us.  That is that negative space we all go to. 

How many times do we think, I won't get that job, that relationship won't work out, I'll never lose weight, it's not going to happen for me whatever it is.  That is the negative place we find it so much easier to go to.  Well it's time to stop.  Change your mind, change your attitude and change your behavior.  We get comfortable in our misery and comfortable in our mindset. 

Time to give it a rest and change.  If you have been reading my blogs for any amount of time my hope is that I have slowly worked on helping you to change your mind set.  Begin today!  Be a doer, a believer and a knower!  Quit being a quitter.  Let today be the first day of your new mindset.  If I believe in you, certainly you can believe in yourself! Have a wonderful Monday everyone!~Love, Amy

Sunday, May 7, 2017


Good Morning!  A very lazy start to my Sunday.  I feel like it is already the afternoon.  Ahh, so what!  It's Sunday.  Rejuvenation day.  Don't every underestimate the value of a good night's sleep!  So important, not to mention it is also wonderful not having to rush around.  Whatever your day brings, relax into it! Or just do it!

Today's quote, "Live for a future that is now."  Do you really understand what that means?  We are always saying things like, I will do this when this happens or that happens.  I will be happy when this gets done.  I will be happy if I have this or that.  You need to be happy now.  Your future is now. 

You can't wait for happiness.  Even saying I will be happy when an event takes place.  Be happy in the moment.  Be happy having your coffee.  Be happy reading this blog.  Be happy just being.  The good things will come but don't wait for happiness.  Whatever you are working towards, whatever goals you have, whatever you want to come to fruition now that it is on it's way. 

When I say live for a future that is now I am telling you to be in the present moment.  How many of us out there ever really live our lives in the present moment?  We are always talking about outside things that will make us happy.  We need to be happy, content and satisfied now.  What we don't need to do and can't do is stop growing and always working towards our goals. 

The future is here even though it is now!  Do you get that?  Every minute that passes becomes the future so don't wait for it to make you happy.  Let happiness be immediate!  Have a wonderful Sunday everyone!~Love, Amy

Saturday, May 6, 2017


Good Morning everyone.  It's Saturday.  Glad to have been able to sleep a bit later today.  Mia is behind me chewing on her bone, wagging her tail and looking ever so cute.  We're in for some not so wonderful weather for this weekend.  Cloudy and rainy and we have already had so much of it.  As much as I would love to see the sun and I'm sure you all would like to as well, look at the silver lining. 

Maybe you could tackle things in the house you wouldn't even try if the sun was out.  Maybe there is a movie you wanted to see.  Rainy days and movies go so well together!  Whatever it is, you can always find the brighter side of things.  Todays' quote, "You can put a negative spin on anything - put a positive spin in all areas of your life - change your perspective completely."  Think of all the negativity that consumes us on a daily basis. 

That negative place we all go to is right there all the time.  So easy to get to.  Too easy to get to.  What if you turned it around?  You will change everything.  You will look different.  Here is an experiment to try.  Look at yourself in the mirror and think a negative thought or simply say, "It's raining out."  For many, rain is limiting.  You can't go outside.  You can't garden, you can't take a long walk. 

There are things you cannot do in the rain.  Now look in the mirror and think of what you want to accomplish today just because it is raining outside and say again, "It's raining out."  Even though I can't see you, I know you looked completely different.  It is always your perspective.  Know that you can weather any storm - it's all how you look at it!  Have a wonderful Saturday everyone!~Love, Amy

Friday, May 5, 2017


Good Morning all!  It's a rainy Friday but the work week is over.  Soon it will be time to focus on the home chores and what we do for others so take some time for yourself.  If you have nothing planned this weekend, make yourself the plan.  Relax.  Take time out to do something good just for you even if it is your favorite breakfast.  A good breakfast is the best way to start the day in so many ways!

Today's quote, "While it may seem impossible to let go of feelings of helplessness - send love out to all for love helps heal all."  There are lots of things going on in the world that I know I feel powerless about and I'm sure you feel the same way.  Sending love collectively does a lot to heal.  Those out there, the bullies of your world and even the bigger world really need help. 

They are not liking themselves at all.  That's why bullies become bullies.  They are missing a huge component in their lives.  They are missing love.  Love that was never given to them and love for themselves.  When we are missing that we lash out at everyone else.  It might not seem so but really, that's the way it goes.  What we need more of is compassion even towards someone you really dislike.

If you can understand that then it will be easier to send out both love and compassion.  If you do that you let go of those feelings of helplessness because you have done something.  Nothing changes overnight so keep sending it out there.  There is only time.  And time is what it takes.  Have a wonderful Friday all!~Love, Amy

Thursday, May 4, 2017


Good Morning all.  It's Thursday.  Sorry about being late yesterday.  I needed sleep.  Some days are like that.  I needed sleep and I listened to my body.  Listening to your body is very important.  It's the only one you have.  The one that going to get you to where you are going physically and if you are weak physically, how can you get anywhere mentally?  It won't happen.

We all have deadlines.  We all have things we need to do.  Things we need to accomplish, but when you are not feeling your best you need to recognize that and go with it which is exactly what I did.  You know what?  I still feel a little tired but I am not to the point where I cannot function.  I am just fine! 

Today is going to be a great day!  I am feeling so much better and I have Guided Meditation tonight!  Today's quote, "Begin each day with a powerful and positive thought- whatever it is-it's meaningful because it belongs to you."  I just said what my day was going to be.  What's your day going to be?  You get to decide.

Always remember that.  You truly do get to decide.  The mind is a very powerful thing.  I know I'm not telling you something you don't know but sometimes you need to hear it.  When that negativity seeps in it becomes all encompassing.  Like wading in a muddy river.  I get that there are times it is not so easy depending on what's going on in your life but at least start the day upbeat. 

Problems will always be solved and resolved.  It may take time but begin the day knowing that it will.  Be a cheerleader for you day.  Decide the minute you get up what kind of day you are going to have.  Mine is going to be great!  What about you?  Have a wonderful Thursday everyone!~Love, Amy

Wednesday, May 3, 2017


Good Morning!  I'll get right to it!  Mercury Retrograde is over!  Today's quote, "All bad things come to an end too, goodbye Mercury Retrograde."  Have you been feeling off?  Have things not gone your way?  Much of it can be attributed to the planetary movements of Mercury these past few weeks. 

Just as you heard all good things come to an end, which they really don't ever have to, all bad things absolutely come to an end.  These are times for celebration as the air has lifted and you can now go forward.  Pursue what you want without the thought it will fail or just not work out. 

Even if you don't believe in things like Mercury Retrograde you have to trust yourself and how you feel.  If you have had those feelings that nothing is going right, this is why.  Things will change for now so go forward.  Unfortunately Mercury Retrograde does happen a few times a year but for now, don't think about that.  Just enjoy the lift, the freedom and the fresh air that the end of this cycle brings.  Have a wonderful day everyone!~Love, Amy

Tuesday, May 2, 2017


Good Morning!  Wow! I had my Guided Meditation class last night and slept like a very hard rock.  I just awoke with my alarm.  I'm feeling like I could use another two hours.  It's going to be one of those days where I look forward to going to sleep later.  OK, enough of that.  I am thankful for such a strong meditation. 

I am always up before my alarm except for this moment when I woke with it.  It is a feeling I don't like.  I never like being rushed, feeling like I have no time.  But here I am.  In the scheme of things, I am not late.  It is not even 6:00 yet and I am writing to you.  Today's quote, "It all gets done in the time it is meant to," I believe is for me! 

I am here doing what I do every day.  I will get my breakfast together, I will shower, make the bed and do whatever other morning things I do.  It will get done.  That is the small picture.  The big picture is knowing that everything gets done in the right time.  It all gets done when it is supposed to and there is no reason to stress over it. 

Of course we could if we want to because some of us go to that place a lot more easily than the place of relaxation and the place of knowing that it will all turn out all right.  All the way it is meant to.  Whatever it is you want to accomplish, know that in the right time it will get done.

Have faith, have confidence and have the conviction to know that we have more time than we think.  Life is our journey and in time we will arrive at our destination!  Have a wonderful day everyone!~Love, Amy

Monday, May 1, 2017


Good Morning on this Monday.  Automatically up today at 4:17.  Good thing I went to bed early enough.  It is not my body that wants to get up but my mind says it's Monday, time to get ready for the week.  The good thing about getting up at that ridiculous hour, (not that I did get out of bed) is that I have absolutely no trouble falling asleep at night. 

Tonight I have Guided Meditation class.  It not only relaxes my clients but puts me out too.  I get into quite a zone and it is wonderful.  I have been doing this formally for a year and two months.  It was no accident that I began to lead Guided Meditations.  It is my path and I just followed along.  It is complementary to my Reiki practice which is also my path.

Today's quote, "The reason you are here slowly reveals itself everyday."  I believe that with all my heart.  We don't always know the reason we are meant to do what we do and how we are going to contribute to this world but we all have something to offer.  We also don't always know right away.  It can take a long time but that doesn't matter.

Once we find our path, our goal, we can begin to work toward it.  I did not wake up in my twenties and decide to be a healer.  In fact no one decides to be a healer.  It is something within you as it was and is within me.  There is definitely something within you that you just might not be aware of yet.  Don't worry because it will come through.  Think of your passion and what you love.

The important thing to remember is that we are all a work in progress which means things take time.  Enjoy the process and the journey.  You are here to enjoy yourself, to have fun, to add a light to this world.  Even if you don't think you are contributing something important you are.  You are because you are here!  Have a wonderful Monday all!~Love, Amy