Thursday, May 11, 2017


Good Morning all!  Just checked the temperature out there.  37 degrees and this is May!  I feel for the birds.  They must be wondering what is going on out there.  We all know what will happen.  We will wake up and it will be summer but for now, don't put your sweaters away!

Tonight is Guided Meditation night.  Since I have been doing this at home I also love my Thursdays.  I love that people come here so that I can help them and myself.  The benefits I receive from doing a meditation are just as wonderful as if I were a pure meditator. 

Today's quote, "There is no more satisfying way of helping yourself by first helping others."  That statement could not be more truthful.  It is very important to take care of yourself so that you can be the best you can but the feeling you get when you really help someone else is something entirely different.  It is the feeling I get after giving a Reiki session. 

Taking away someone's physical and emotional pain is something that is difficult to describe.  When someone gets off that table feeling better than when they walked in gives me enormous satisfaction.  Being a healer is all about helping but you don't have to be a healer to help others. 

Showing appreciation by saying thank you or telling someone they look nice or simply asking someone how their day is going.  Those are the best ways to help someone else.  I bet you didn't think it would be that simple.  Try it out today.  Reach out to someone you don't normally converse with or someone you do.  Ask them how they are.  If someone holds a door open say thank you.  Sometimes the smallest things can be the biggest.  You have helped someone to have a better day and in turn, your day is better too!  Have a wonderful Thursday everyone!~Love, Amy

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