Wednesday, May 10, 2017


Good Morning all!  Dreams dreams dreams!  So real tonight!  Wow!  I am tired today and tired thinking about my day.  It will be a busy one but busy with wonderful things.  I have a Reiki session this afternoon with a pregnant client!  Reiki sessions are always wonderful but with this particular client I am actually giving a Reiki session to two people.  Last time she was here I felt the baby moving.  This time it will be that much more because she is further along in her pregnancy.  I haven't felt a baby move since my own children.  So cool!

I will also be seeing tarot readers and other healers at an event this evening so I am looking forward to that.  It is a wonderful and amazing thing to be able to help others whether they are your friend or not.  As a healer most people do become your friend simply because you begin to care about them in a very special way. 

It is important to be there for those you love and for your friends but important to not get lost in someone's problems which could easily happen.  Being separate does not mean not caring.

Today's quote, "Be a support and a friend but don't get lost in the life of someone else - your dreams count."  That means what it says.  Be the most supportive friend you can be but not if it takes over your own life.  You can find yourself lost in someone's problems to the point where they become yours as well.  We all have our own "stuff" and we don't need to take on someone else's at the detriment of ourselves.

Know that this is not mean.  It is important for your own well being!  So be a friend.  Be the most wonderful and amazing friend you can be but make sure that you don't forget about yourself.  Have a wonderful Wednesday everyone!~Love, Amy

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