Friday, December 21, 2018


Good morning everyone.  It is Friday at last.  I hope you all had a great week and that you are calm, at peace and relaxed!  Did you ever notice how we pick up the emotions of the person we are with?  Obviously I am very sensitive to others but so are most people, they just don't realize it.  It is apparent  when we walk into someone's home.  I can tell immediately if I want to stay or leave.  The feeling of comfort or discomfort is palpable.

The reason people come to me for Reiki sessions is because they feel comfortable and safe in my presence but the session begins not with my touch but as soon as they walk into my space.  Everyone says the same thing.  "What a great space this is," "it feels so good in here," and that is because it is filled with loving energy and supportive intention. 

There are a revolving door of people who come through our lives.  Some stay and some go but when they come through often they are mirrors of us.  Today's quote is, "We meet those who reflect our sorrows joys and struggles - when we come face to face with those things is when we decide which reflection we prefer."  Ever hear of the phrase, Misery loves Company?  Of course you did.  And when you are miserable don't you want someone to commiserate with?  Of course you do and low and behold, you find that person.

Think of writers who know other writers, chefs who know other chefs.  Our emotions know the same emotions too.  When we are feeling happy, sad, jealous, just name an emotion, we can find someone in our life who will be our mirror image.  Take comfort in knowing that if you don't like what you see you can change. 

When our own negativity glares right back at us is when we will decide if we want to stay or go.  Personally, I think it will be an easy decision!  

Have a wonderful Friday everyone!  

Thank you all for reading my blogs thus far.  It is my hope that you've enjoyed the exploration of my daily quotes and just like my quotes, my blogs have been a source of emotional strength for you.  I will be taking two weeks away from posting my quotes and blogging while I enjoy the warmth of the Jamaican sun and the company of my family but will return on Monday, January 7th, 2019.  Wishing you all a wonderful and Happy New Year.  With much love and good wishes, Amy~

To learn about what I do, visit my website:
To schedule an in-person or remote Reiki session with me, visit my website: sessions

Saturdays from 12-4, I am at KAHLO for hour and half hour Reiki sessions
Book yours online at

Thursday, December 20, 2018


Good morning everyone.  Thursday today and all day.  Wasn't it just Thanksgiving?  Time moves so quickly which is why it is so important to enjoy the little things as much as momentous occasions.  As we move closer to the New Year many of us begin to think of resolutions and the things we will do differently.  Resolutions can be made anytime but why not use the New Year as a reason to get started!

I have a great one for you for me and for everyone that doesn't include diet, exercise or kale chips.  Whatever happened to those anyway?  When something isn't good for us or no longer works for us we get rid of it.  That huge hunk of cake left over from the holidays needs to go.  That ugly sweater we keep putting back in the drawer knowing we will never wear also needs to go.

You know what else needs to go?  The toxic people in our lives.  We all have them and we all hold onto them thinking that they are going to change.  Toxic people don't think they are toxic so in their mind they have no reason to change but you know exactly who they are and why they need to leave.

Today's quote is, "Cut the cord on the one who no longer enhances your life but in fact is subtly determind to derail you from your path."  Although this is not a new topic for you to read about it is an important one to reiterate.  Out of either sympathy or habit we don't let these friendships go.

We complain about them, roll our eyes when we see a text come through, even get angry but there they are and there they stay.  Even when these so called "friends" are determined to do their best at convincing us that our dreams will never come true.  Hey everyone!  These people are not your friends, never were your friends and never will be your friends.  

Know you are wonderful, amazing and deserving and if your friends cannot agree, it is time to bid them a fond farewell!

Have a wonderful Thursday everyone! ~Love, Amy

To learn more about what I do, visit my website:
To schedule an in-person or remote Reiki session with me, visit my website: sessions

Saturdays from 12-4, I am at KAHLO in Pound Ridge for hour and half hour Reiki sessions
Book yours online at OR call 914-764-3677

Wednesday, December 19, 2018


Good morning everyone.  Happy hump day.  Did you ever come up with what you thought was an amazing idea only to have it completely squashed by the first person you told?   One minute your flying as high as a Macy's Day Balloon and the next you can feel the wind being sucked right out of you.

I've been there.  Have you?  Feels really awful doesn't it.  It feels terrible because all those demons inside you are saying, "see, I told you it was a stupid idea."  What's worse is when you agree with them.  Why are we so quick to agree with the devil on our shoulder instead of the angel?  Why do we allow the words of someone else to crush our confidence.

Today's quote is, "Naysayers are everywhere for everything - defy them with your conviction."  Ain't that the truth!  How would it be possible to take two steps forward if all we here is how funny we are walking?  I'm not going to tell you about Thomas Edison or Alexander Graham Bell.  I'm sure they were told numerous times how crazy their ideas were.

I'm talking about us.  All of us who are creative and innovative and come up with amazing ideas but who have hesitated because of what someone told us.  If you love your idea then love it!  If you think going back to school to change your profession is an awesome idea then do it.  Bubble bursters are out there in full force.  Always have been and always will be.

All that matters is what you think.  Stick with your thoughts and ideas and in this way you will always be true to the one that matters most. YOU!

Have a wonderful Wednesday everyone! ~Love, Amy

To learn more about what I do, visit my website:
To schedule an in-person or remote Reiki session with me, visit my website: sessions

Saturdays I am at KAHLO from 12-4 for hour and half hour Reiki sessions
Book yours online at OR call 914-764-3677

Tuesday, December 18, 2018


Good morning everyone.  Welcome to Tuesday which indeed it is.  This morning I was very cold as I walked Mia.  My dread began as I approached the front door.  The glass steamed up immediately which it does when it is freezing out.  Ugg!  Just the thought made me shiver.  Mia of course was totally fine.  She lifted her cute paws and tried to push the door open.  She thrives in this weather.  The colder the better for her.

Two separate beings.  Yes, my Mia is a being.  My family and I are quite convinced she is a human dressed in dog fur.  Clearly I see the cold one way and my beloved pet sees it another.  Today's quote is, "It is all in our perception."  Isn't it though?  Everything we see, we view from our own perspective which may be completely different than that of someone else.

Perception is not jut how we view people or situations but life.  Everything could be great and wonderful and then boom!  Out of nowhere that tire just blew and that bubble just burst.  That's going to happen because sometimes, and we all know this: stuff happens!

How will you perceive that derailment?  Are you going to wallow in self-pity, throw your hands up and walk away?  OR, will you look at that road block as a temporary detour.  Reflect back for a moment and remember a time when you were faced with an obstacle.  It happened before and I promise you it will happen again.

A detour is not always a bad thing, just a new way to get there!  It is all in your perception!

Have a great Tuesday everyone! ~Love, Amy

To learn more about what I do, visit my website:
To schedule an in-person or remote Reiki session with me, visit my website:// sessions

Saturdays from 12-4, I am at KAHLO for hour and half hour Reiki sessions
Book yours online at info@kahlocollective OR call 914-764-3677

Monday, December 17, 2018


Good morning everyone.  It is indeed a Monday.  Or is it?  Well let's see.  Yesterday was Sunday so of course today is Monday.  Not fake news but a real fact and because we know this to be true we simply accept it without fanfare and emotion. Wouldn't it be great if we could be just as observant of life events in the same way?

Joyful events should be celebrated and sad events should be acknowledged but when we get over emotional over every little thing we lose sight of the importance of anything.  Today's quote is, "See events as facts - observe them before labeling them with emotion and then decide if they will affect you or not."  Let me use the world around us as an example.  There is a lot of crazy going on right now and every day there is more.

How you may ask, can we not be affected by the lunacy of the world around us?  Thinking, feeling human beings as we are are affected by weather so how is it possible to be unaffected by what we see and hear?  We cannot  allow our emotions to get tangled up in the web of crazy but how?  How do we do that.

We do that by taking out our emotions, placing them aside if only for a moment and observing.  That's all.  Just watch and wait and see.  Give yourself time to decide your honest feelings about any given situation whether worldly or personal.  Only when enough time is devoted to observation can you match it with the proper feeling. 

Does this take practice?  Of course it does.  The unexpected makes us gasp and the unknown leaves us fearful but instead of gasping for air and clutching your chest, try to stop, observe and wait.  It is only then that you will truly know how you feel.

Have a wonderful Monday everyone! ~Love, Amy

To learn more about what I do, visit my website:
To schedule an in-person or remote Reiki session with me, visit my website: sessions

Saturdays from 12-4, I am at KAHLO for hour and half hour Reiki sessions
Book yours online at OR call 914-764-3677

Friday, December 14, 2018


Good morning and happy Friday!  Yay!  Friday.  I feel the same way at the end of every work week.  The allure of an upcoming weekend is never lost on me.  That doesn't mean that at times I don't feel lost or out of control.  This my friends is included in our journey, that feeling of being lost or out of control.  Panic is usually the first thing to set in.

Few of us like to free fall.  We prefer to keep our feet on the ground at all times and know in which direction we are headed.  I have slowly learned to let go and let things happen which was not always easy.  Even us Reiki Practitioners need someone to learn from.

A healer friend of mine assured me this is part of my journey and while at a time in my life when I was feeling lost, the Universe was actually helping me find where I needed to be.  The more you open your mind and let things happen, the higher your vibrations will be.  Today's quote is, "Surrender when you feel a loss of control - you are changing vibrations moving up and receiving."

In order to do this you must believe it to be true.  As you climb that vibrational ladder you will feel calmer and calmer.  Surrendering to the unknown is hard.  I get it, but you have to have faith and trust that your journey is continuing and continuous.  

The best way to raise your vibrations is through meditation.  You can meditate on your own or join me at my guided meditation class.  Through meditation your vibrations will change and raise allowing the best gift of the Universe to be yours.

Have a wonderful Friday everyone! ~Love, Amy

To learn more about what I do, visit my website:
To schedule an in-person or remote Reiki session with me, visit my website: sessions

Saturdays from 12-4, I am at KAHLO for hour and half hour Reiki sessions.
Book yours online at OR call 914-764-3677

Thursday, December 13, 2018


Good morning everyone.  Hope you are all well today.  I'm beginning to look forward to a vacation I will be taking with my family.  Every year at exactly the same time we are not only busy with our day to day lives but with holiday parties, obligatory events and just plain fun.  Even fun can be overwhelming which is why vacations are such a necessary part of life.

As wonderful and exhilarating as vacations can be we return to our lives and carry on.  Wouldn't it be awesome if we held onto that feeling of exhilaration long after we return?  Today's quote is, "To get to amazing places requires no plane ticket as new heights requires no ladder but a willingness to expand your view on the world around you."  

Indeed a mouthful but true none the less.  When we expand our world view there are no limits to where we can go.  As humans we get stuck in a rut.  We do the same things, eat the same foods, go to the same places and think the same thoughts.  What if you climbed out of that rut and did different things, ate different foods, went to new places and widened our thoughts!

We would still be ourselves to the core but with open minds.  Life is there to be lived to the fullest.  Sounding cliche am I?  Maybe but at this point after all these blogs I have written on living your best life and being your best self, I believe this to be true.

We are the ones who get in our own way and I am the support you need to tell you lovingly to move over.  Expand your view so that you can see from all from every angle.  There's a whole world out there just waiting for you to explore, no plane ticket required!

To learn more about what I do, visit my website:
To schedule an in-person or remote Reiki session with me, visit my website, sessions

Saturdays from 12-4, I am at KAHLO for hour and half hour Reiki sessions.
Book yours online at OR call 914-764-3677

Have a wonderful Thursday everyone! ~Love, Amy

Wednesday, December 12, 2018


Good morning everyone.  How are you all on this Wednesday?  "Hi, how are you??" is usually asked in passing without waiting for a response.  It leads us to wonder why are we even asked.  When I ask it is because I really do care.  The friends you have in your life are there because they truly care.  Or do they? 

Years ago I bought a post card with a photo of a green eyed woman.  The caption on the card said, "If you want to find a girl's faults~praise her to her friends."  At the time I thought how funny but also sometimes how true.  Women in particular can be so mean and catty.  If someone were really to say what was on that card I'm thinking they're really not a friend.

Today's quote is, "Let loose that friend who relishes in your failures celebrates your misery and rains on your parade - for that person is not and never has been your friend."  Why is it that we hold on to people like that in our lives?  Do we think that's all we deserve?  How sad is that!  For years I had a friend exactly who found my misery and failures a comfort to her own.

At around 10 years old, my "friend" and I went to the same day camp and attended a dance.  I was very shy so you can imagine how thrilled I was when a boy came over to me and asked me to dance with him.  When the song was over and I returned to my friend, she looked me in the eyes and said, "I don't think he likes you," to which I only offered a puzzled expression in return.

I cannot tell you what that did to my 10 year old insecure self.  No that's a lie.  I was already living on Insecure Lane, she was there to make sure I never moved, yet for years we continued to be friends.  I don't recall the day, time, month or moment that I realized this person would never be a friend but when I cut the cord on that one, I was finally free.

If this sounds familiar to you, if you have someone in your life similar to the above description, who hogs the umbrella in the rain, cut the cord and let them loose for that so called friend never was and never will be!

Have a wonderful Wednesday everyone! ~Love, Amy

To learn more about what I do, visit my website:
To schedule an in-person or remote Reiki session with me, visit my website: sessions

Saturdays from 12-4, I am at KAHLO for hour and half hour Reiki sessions
Book yours online at OR call 914-764-3677

Tuesday, December 11, 2018


Good morning all.  So hard to get out of bed on cold winter mornings when it is so comfy under those covers.  Another place we love to be is in our comfort zone.  That familiar place we know so well.  People say you should step out of your comfort zone but I think that depends on where and why.  If you've only traveled in the United States because you fear other languages, its a good idea to travel to other parts of the world so that you can hear that French or Danish or Italian is not as scary as you thought!

Trying new foods is another great way to get out of your comfort zone.  As a creature of habit I find a breakfast that works for me and stick with it.  Same goes for lunch but when I go out to dinner, I love trying new restaurants and different kinds of foods.  

Seeing new sites and tasting new spices are a fun and wonderful way to help us leave that place of familiarity but here's a place where it doesn't always work so well.  Selling widgits.  That's right.  Selling products you don't believe in.  Although the idea of extra income might be enticing, if we don't believe in the product or products we are supposed to sell we are not going to be very good at it nor will we find that extra fortune in our bank accounts.  

Today's quote is, "When we've found where we belong we can literally say there is no place like home."  The thought of extra money is a driving force that pushes some of us to do things we might not consider but if your heart isn't in it one hundred percent, the only widgits you will sell are the ones you buy yourself.  

I've said this before and I'll say it again.  Be true to yourself always.  When you find yourself somewhere that you don't belong you feel it but when you find that place where you do, you will recognize it at once and immediately feel its warm embrace.  Welcome home!

Have a wonderful Tuesday everyone! ~Love, Amy

To learn more about what I do, visit my website:
To schedule an in-person or remote Reiki session with me, visit my website: sessions

Saturdays from 12-4, I am at KAHLO for hour and half hour Reiki sessions.
Book yours online at OR call 914-764-3677

Monday, December 10, 2018


Good morning everyone.  Happy Monday to all!  I get up really early during the week just like everyone else so I'm not here to say how wonderful I am.  Depending on the kind of sleep I had I usually don't mind getting up before 5.  I'm very organized as I'm sure you've all figured that out by now and I like to stick with my routine.  

This routine that I do so adore is Monday through Friday leaving a separate routine for the weekend.  I will still exercise but not at 5:00 in the morning.  I will still post my "Reiki thought of the Day," but not at 5:00 in the morning either.  It is not realistic for me to think I will and the truth is I don't want to be recreating my work week on Saturday and Sunday.  

There are times on the weekends when my preferred activity is not a thirty minute routine on my precor but a long walk with Mia.  Exercise and yoga have become not just a way of staying fit but a national obsession.  I like yoga but I haven't found a time that works for me.  I'm not going to get anxiety over it.  When the time is right, the class will be there for me.  Today's quote is, "Pretending something will work out when it never will only sets yourself up for failure and defeat." 

That's a pretty heavy quote to use when talking about a yoga class but as you guessed, I'm not just talking about yoga.  No one knows us better than ourselves.  We know both our abilities and capabilities.  We know what works and doesn't.  If you excel at something then shine on but if you  suck at something admit it.  There is no shame in recognizing the truth about yourself.  The sooner you do the less chance you have of failing at something that you could never accomplish in the first place!  

We are all wonderful and that I truly believe.  I also believe we are not wonderful at everything.  Do what you do best and do it with pride and love and joy!

Have a wonderful Monday everyone! ~Love, Amy

To learn more about what I do, visit my website:
To schedule an in-person or remote Reiki session with me, visit my website: sessions

Saturdays from 12-4, I am at KAHLO for hour and half hour Reiki sessions.
Book yours online at OR call 914-764-3677

Friday, December 7, 2018


Good morning everyone.  Yay!  It's Friday.  Think how many people breathe a sigh of relief when the end of the week has finally arrived.  Even if you have errands and chores to do on the weekend at least you can sleep later and have a leisurely cup of coffee. 

I drink my coffee with milk.  Have you ever poured in the milk to find that it expired?  Yuck.  Organic milk lasts longer and tastes better but milk is milk and if you don't pay attention to the date you may find some floaters in your morning cup of joe.

Food is not the only thing with an expiration date.  Medication expires although I've been known to use old eye drops too.  When things expire they need to be thrown away.  You know what doesn't have an expiration date but should?  Blame.  How long can we blame people or circumstances for what went wrong in our lives?

Today's quote is, "There is an expiration date for everything - blame included."  By continuing to lay blame it will never go away.  We do this is to get ourselves off the hook and garner some sympathy at the same time but when blame is a constant it becomes hard to find that sympathetic ear.  Bottom line - no one wants to hear it anymore.  

Let responsibility be on you.  When you feel that blame rise in your throat, recongnize that its there, take a deep breath and count to 3.  Give yourself a reasonable to time for blame to expire.  We might have a favorite song but when played too many times even we get sick of it!

Have a wonderful Friday everyone! ~Love, Amy

To learn more about what I do, visit my website:
To schedule an in-person or remote Reiki session with me, visit my website: sessions

Saturdays from 12-4, I am at KAHLO for hour and half hour Reiki sessions
Book yours online at OR call 914-764-3677

Thursday, December 6, 2018


Good morning everyone.  Happy Thursday.  I know its early but have you thought about all the things you want for the holidays.  Besides world peace of course!  I am happy with anything.  Anything!  Really.  I love getting gifts.  I love beautifully wrapped packages with ribbons and bows in bright colors.  I love admiring the beauty outside and taking my time to open it before finding the hidden surprise.

The only problem with that excitement is this, what if I don't like what's inside?  That only leads to more thoughts like why did this person get that for me?  What were they thinking?  What am I going to do with this?  Suddenly that wonderful surprise has become a dreaded gift.  All too often we are like that with almost everything. 

The day, the weather, a party, our lunch, a doctor visit, a trip to the mall and of course the complete unknown.  Wouldn't it be great and a relief (I think)  to approach not only our day to day life but every situation we encounter with complete nothingness.  Without expectation and feeling.  Today's quote is, "Find the bravery within yourself to release your ego accepting what comes your way without emotion or attachment."  

Holy crap is that ever hard.  I'm not making fun.  It's hard.  Put yourself in the shoes of someone walking into a party without knowing anyone.  There will be those who are always the life of the party wherever they go.  The people that light up a room as soon as they enter.  You guessed it.  I'm not talking about them.  I'm talking about the person who is nervous in new situations.  The ones who are overtaken by anxiety when walking into a room full of strangers. 

What if you took that same scenario and released any expectation.  The expectation of having a great time and the expectation of having a horrible time.  What if you walked in and expected nothing.  Imagine how calming that would be.  The anxiety would be gone because it is the expectation of having a horrible time that brings it on for anybody.  If there is no expectation there is no anxiety.

When you are about to enter the unknown let go of your ego for it is that part of you that tells you how to respond.  Let go of attachment and free yourself from emotion and let the unknown be a magnificent surprise!

Have a wonderful Thursday everyone! ~Love, Amy

To learn more about what I do, visit my website:
To schedule an in-person or remote Reiki session with me, visit my website: sessions

Saturdays from 12-4, I am at KAHLO for hour and half hour Reiki sessions
Book yours online at OR call 914-764-3677

Wednesday, December 5, 2018


Good morning everyone on this first Wednesday in December.  We know it is December because our phones say so.  Notice I didn't say calendar.  Does anyone look at those anymore?  Whether it is your phone or a calendar that tells you the day and date we also know what month it is by what we see all around us and in the stores we shop in.  In both subtle and blatant ways we know the holidays are coming.

Our eyes are our visual guides.  But what do we use when we get "that feeling" about something?  That is when we tune into our intuition.  Our intuition will tell of if its safe or not.  Our intuition will tell us to move forward or to take a step back.  Today's quote is, "Signs are not only what you see but what you feel with every part of your being."

OMG that's so true, (if I do say so myself!).  That feeling you get when something is not quite right is palpable down to your core.  And you don't just get that gut feeling.  You get signs which are everywhere!  They are not only all around you but within your being.  

Here's basic what not to do 101.  Would you get into a stranger's car?  Would you go to a stranger's apartment?  Would you walk down a dark alley all by yourself?  The answer to those three questions is an unmistakable NO! Of course you would do none of those things.  Why?  Not because you were taught not to but because that feeling in your gut tells you not to.  

Look with your eyes but let your intuition also be your guide.  If your eyes don't tell you something is wrong, listen to that inner voice, the one that is usually right on the money!

Have a wonderful Wednesday everyone! ~Love, Amy

To learn more about what I do, visit my website:

To schedule an in-person or remote Reiki session with me, visit my website: sessions

Saturdays from 12-4, I am at KAHLO for hour and half hour Reiki sessions
Book yours online at OR call 914-764-3677

Tuesday, December 4, 2018


Good morning everyone.  Let's all welcome Tuesday together.  Do you have a goal today?  Anything on your agenda or like most of us you are putting your goals off until tomorrow.  Why do we procrastinate.  Sometimes it is because we are busy but sometimes we are scared.  What if it doesn't work out?  What if it does work out?  What if's are as endless as the reasons we use to stop us dead in our tracks.  The commonality of failure and success is the feeling of fear brought on equally by both.

Today's quote is, "To fear success or failure is still fear- it is stifling and is the cement that keeps you locked in place and from the ability to move forward."  We easily understand the fear around failure but around success, not as much.  Why?  Let's just say you got exactly what you've been working so long and hard for.  How will your life be changed?  What accomodations need to be made.  What if deep down you enjoyed that struggle or that it gave you direction or something to complain about?

In this way, success can be just as frightening as failure.  Reaching that pinnacle might not really be what you want at this moment.  The problem with fear is that it paralyzes us from moving forward.  When this happens, nothing gets accomplished.  The first thing to do is to recognize that fear exits on both levels if in fact it does.  

Realization of fear is the first step to moving forward.  Don't just realize its there it but embrace it.  Talk to it like a person you've been avoiding.  Once you aquaint yourself you will see that both fears are conquerable, failure and success.  It is then that you will be able to breathe a sigh of relief and know that whatever happens your feet have been unlocked and you can finally move forward.

Have a wonderful Tuesday everyone! ~Love, Amy

To learn more about what I do, visit my website:
To schedule an in-person or remote Reiki session with me, visit my website: sessions

Saturdays from 12-4, I am at KAHLO for hour and half hour Reiki sessions.
Book yours online at OR call 914-764-3677

Monday, December 3, 2018


Good morning everyone.  Happy Monday. I just have to say I've discovered overnight oats and I'm loving breakfast.  It's ridiculously easy.  The basic ingredients are oats and any type of milk.  You can be as creative as you want.  I add chia seeds, flax seeds, pumpkin seeds, banana and almond butter but you can add or take away whatever you want.  It's a real hearty rib sticking breakfast that gets you going and keeps you going.

Like everyone, I get tired of eating the same thing day after day although I'm having a pretty good run with my overnight oats.  Probably because of the variety you can create.  Sometimes eating the same foods is just plain boring and you begin to hate what you enjoyed.  I prefer not to use the word hate even if it applies to liver.  You made a face just then didn't you! 

Let's talk about the word hate.  Just saying it does something to us.  You can feel it all over your body and the distortion of your mouth while saying the word hate.  Today's quote is, "To fill one's heart with hate is to leave a gaping hole in one's soul."  Of course we all know I'm not talking about liver or getting caught in the rain without an umbrella or the smell of wet dog.  I'm talking about the people and situations you may dislike but use the word hate in its place. 

That word actually hurts my heart.  Everyone who knows me also knows that the day job I have is not one I dreamed about.  I used to use the "H" word when describing it and only recently realized how much I benefit from this job because I finally allowed myself to receive when I'm here. 

That's a huge step for me and if you are not happy in your given situation and now is not the time to change it, take a moment to see the benefits.  Once you realize this you will lose the "H" word as well.  Maybe your company offers free lunch.  Maybe there is a great healthcare package or generous sick time allowed.  Maybe the building itself is pleasing to look at.  It could be one of a million things or two.  

Whatever it is, look for the good wherever and whenever you can.  Sure there might be unhappiness or struggle but it won't be there forever.  Look at every situation life gives you as a lesson and simply learn to deal with that lesson without hating it.    The English language is abundant with alternative vocabulary so leave the word hate out of yours.  Your heart and soul will thank you!

Have a wonderful Monday everyone!

To learn more about what I do, visit my website:
To schedule an in-person or remote Reiki session with me, visit my website: sessions

Saturdays from 12-4 I am at KAHLO for hour and half hour Reiki sessions
Book your session online at OR call 914-764-3677