The only problem with that excitement is this, what if I don't like what's inside? That only leads to more thoughts like why did this person get that for me? What were they thinking? What am I going to do with this? Suddenly that wonderful surprise has become a dreaded gift. All too often we are like that with almost everything.
The day, the weather, a party, our lunch, a doctor visit, a trip to the mall and of course the complete unknown. Wouldn't it be great and a relief (I think) to approach not only our day to day life but every situation we encounter with complete nothingness. Without expectation and feeling. Today's quote is, "Find the bravery within yourself to release your ego accepting what comes your way without emotion or attachment."
Holy crap is that ever hard. I'm not making fun. It's hard. Put yourself in the shoes of someone walking into a party without knowing anyone. There will be those who are always the life of the party wherever they go. The people that light up a room as soon as they enter. You guessed it. I'm not talking about them. I'm talking about the person who is nervous in new situations. The ones who are overtaken by anxiety when walking into a room full of strangers.
What if you took that same scenario and released any expectation. The expectation of having a great time and the expectation of having a horrible time. What if you walked in and expected nothing. Imagine how calming that would be. The anxiety would be gone because it is the expectation of having a horrible time that brings it on for anybody. If there is no expectation there is no anxiety.
When you are about to enter the unknown let go of your ego for it is that part of you that tells you how to respond. Let go of attachment and free yourself from emotion and let the unknown be a magnificent surprise!
Have a wonderful Thursday everyone! ~Love, Amy
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