I have a great one for you for me and for everyone that doesn't include diet, exercise or kale chips. Whatever happened to those anyway? When something isn't good for us or no longer works for us we get rid of it. That huge hunk of cake left over from the holidays needs to go. That ugly sweater we keep putting back in the drawer knowing we will never wear also needs to go.
You know what else needs to go? The toxic people in our lives. We all have them and we all hold onto them thinking that they are going to change. Toxic people don't think they are toxic so in their mind they have no reason to change but you know exactly who they are and why they need to leave.
Today's quote is, "Cut the cord on the one who no longer enhances your life but in fact is subtly determind to derail you from your path." Although this is not a new topic for you to read about it is an important one to reiterate. Out of either sympathy or habit we don't let these friendships go.
We complain about them, roll our eyes when we see a text come through, even get angry but there they are and there they stay. Even when these so called "friends" are determined to do their best at convincing us that our dreams will never come true. Hey everyone! These people are not your friends, never were your friends and never will be your friends.
Have a wonderful Thursday everyone! ~Love, Amy
To learn more about what I do, visit my website:https://amykaufman.co
To schedule an in-person or remote Reiki session with me, visit my website:https://amykaufman.co/private sessions
Saturdays from 12-4, I am at KAHLO in Pound Ridge for hour and half hour Reiki sessions
Book yours online at info@kahlocollective.com OR call 914-764-3677
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