Monday, December 17, 2018


Good morning everyone.  It is indeed a Monday.  Or is it?  Well let's see.  Yesterday was Sunday so of course today is Monday.  Not fake news but a real fact and because we know this to be true we simply accept it without fanfare and emotion. Wouldn't it be great if we could be just as observant of life events in the same way?

Joyful events should be celebrated and sad events should be acknowledged but when we get over emotional over every little thing we lose sight of the importance of anything.  Today's quote is, "See events as facts - observe them before labeling them with emotion and then decide if they will affect you or not."  Let me use the world around us as an example.  There is a lot of crazy going on right now and every day there is more.

How you may ask, can we not be affected by the lunacy of the world around us?  Thinking, feeling human beings as we are are affected by weather so how is it possible to be unaffected by what we see and hear?  We cannot  allow our emotions to get tangled up in the web of crazy but how?  How do we do that.

We do that by taking out our emotions, placing them aside if only for a moment and observing.  That's all.  Just watch and wait and see.  Give yourself time to decide your honest feelings about any given situation whether worldly or personal.  Only when enough time is devoted to observation can you match it with the proper feeling. 

Does this take practice?  Of course it does.  The unexpected makes us gasp and the unknown leaves us fearful but instead of gasping for air and clutching your chest, try to stop, observe and wait.  It is only then that you will truly know how you feel.

Have a wonderful Monday everyone! ~Love, Amy

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To schedule an in-person or remote Reiki session with me, visit my website: sessions

Saturdays from 12-4, I am at KAHLO for hour and half hour Reiki sessions
Book yours online at OR call 914-764-3677