Monday, December 10, 2018


Good morning everyone.  Happy Monday to all!  I get up really early during the week just like everyone else so I'm not here to say how wonderful I am.  Depending on the kind of sleep I had I usually don't mind getting up before 5.  I'm very organized as I'm sure you've all figured that out by now and I like to stick with my routine.  

This routine that I do so adore is Monday through Friday leaving a separate routine for the weekend.  I will still exercise but not at 5:00 in the morning.  I will still post my "Reiki thought of the Day," but not at 5:00 in the morning either.  It is not realistic for me to think I will and the truth is I don't want to be recreating my work week on Saturday and Sunday.  

There are times on the weekends when my preferred activity is not a thirty minute routine on my precor but a long walk with Mia.  Exercise and yoga have become not just a way of staying fit but a national obsession.  I like yoga but I haven't found a time that works for me.  I'm not going to get anxiety over it.  When the time is right, the class will be there for me.  Today's quote is, "Pretending something will work out when it never will only sets yourself up for failure and defeat." 

That's a pretty heavy quote to use when talking about a yoga class but as you guessed, I'm not just talking about yoga.  No one knows us better than ourselves.  We know both our abilities and capabilities.  We know what works and doesn't.  If you excel at something then shine on but if you  suck at something admit it.  There is no shame in recognizing the truth about yourself.  The sooner you do the less chance you have of failing at something that you could never accomplish in the first place!  

We are all wonderful and that I truly believe.  I also believe we are not wonderful at everything.  Do what you do best and do it with pride and love and joy!

Have a wonderful Monday everyone! ~Love, Amy

To learn more about what I do, visit my website:
To schedule an in-person or remote Reiki session with me, visit my website: sessions

Saturdays from 12-4, I am at KAHLO for hour and half hour Reiki sessions.
Book yours online at OR call 914-764-3677

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