Tuesday, May 30, 2017


Good Morning all!  I hope you had a wonderful and restful long weekend.  I did not write yesterday but I am back this morning!  Even though the weather is not what it should be for this time of year I still feel like summer is here and we should be headed to the beach!  Not feeling very beachy yet unfortunately but before you know it, the weather will do what it always does.  Go from 0 to 60!  Meaning going from cool to hot and no in between.

That does not mean I am not happy for the season.  I love them all.  Today's quote, "No one person and not one thing should make you dependent on your own happiness."  That can absolutely relate to the weather as well.  Sure we like to see the sun shining as opposed to the rain falling but that should not make us any happier.  A new pair of shoes is always fun but we should be just as happy with them or without them.

Most of all we should not rely on anyone to make us happy or sad or miserable or depressed.  Does that happen?  All the time.  It is said that no one can make you happy or sad, it is the power you give them.  Can we miss people?  Of course.  Can we be angry at someone?  Of course.  We are all emotional beings but we cannot let the actions of others determine our own happiness. 

If you don't like the way you are treated it is up to you to rethink your relationship or friendship.  Everyone needs to learn to love themselves and love their own company.  Only when that happens will you really be happy.  No one can ever make you happy.  That will always come from within.  People should compliment one another, laugh together and have fun.  When you can smile by yourself, others will always smile with you!  Have a wonderful Tuesday everyone!~Love, Amy

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