Wednesday, April 10, 2024


Good morning, everyone.  We all have supporters and naysayers but hopefully more supporters.  Instead of being our biggest fans and cheerleaders we have the ultimate naysayer living with us at all times.  That voice inside our heads!  No matter what I say to push you towards positivity, that negative talk always seems to speak louder.

Today's quote is, "Your true enemy is the one that lives inside your head."  Stop being an adversary to your own progress.  What good does that do?  Allow me.  It does absolutely no good, and although we know that we continue.  Quiet your mind.  Quiet that inner voice or better yet, shut it down completely.

The what if scenarios are a constant be them positive or negative

but it's the negative ones that stop us in our tracks along with that familiar murmur in our heads.

It's time to take sides so decide whose side you will be on.  I get it.  It's what you're used to but change is part of life so get used to change and cheer yourself on!

Have a wonderful day everyone! ~Love, Amy

To learn more about me, visit my website:

To schedule an in-person or remote Reiki session with me, visit my website: sessions OR email me at

Wednesday, March 13, 2024


Good morning everyone.  We all have dreams.  Don't say you don't because I know you do.  We also know someone who is a dream dasher.  The one who gives you that dubious look when you describe your dream no matter what it is whether it is taking that trip you've always talked about or fitting into the jeans you wore five years ago.

Today's quote is, "You don't need permission to live your dream."  There I said it!  Now go!  Seriously.  Those cold, grey winter days might seem long but life is short.  One minute you have a baby and the next minute they're grown.  

We all have responsibilities but we have a huge responsibility to ourselves and that is to be happy.  Live your dream.  Go for broke.  (not really broke!) Listen to your heart.  Be that dreamer who makes your wishes come true.  You deserve nothing less than happiness and fulfillment and never let anyone tell you otherwise!

Have a wonderful day! ~Love, Amy

To learn more about me, visit my website:

To schedule an in-person or remote Reiki session with me, visit my website: sessions OR email me at

Thursday, February 15, 2024


Good morning, everyone.  Where are you right now.  I know you are somewhere but where is your mind.  Have you jumped ahead to next week, tomorrow or back tracked to yesterday and last Tuesday.  Stop.  Breathe.  Be here now.

Today's quote is, "Ahead later another time does not exist - right now is all there is."  Don't go forward and don't go backwards.  Stay where you are in one thought and one moment.  Appreciate what you are doing this very second because in another second it is already gone.  

Life is short.  We hear that all the time, yet when we are bored all we want to do is rush the clock.  Stop.  Stop rushing because time is something you can never get back.

Before, later, after does not exist.  All that does exist is right now.

Have a wonderful day everyone! ~Love, Amy

To learn more about me, visit, my website:

To schedule an in-person or remote Reiki session with me, visit my website: sessions OR email me at

Tuesday, January 9, 2024


Good morning, everyone.  We hear a lot about our intuition.  We hear people say, listen to your gut and hear the unspoken words your feelings are telling you.  Having a hunch about something has nothing to do with what you read or what you heard.  It is from a feeling deep inside you.

Today's quote is, "There is no key to unlock your intuition - it is up to you to open your mind and pay attention."  Remember those times when you said, "I should have.... but you didn't?  And why was that.  You were given a sign, but you ignored it.  You chose the cerebral approach which is not always the best way to go. You chose to forge ahead regardless of the feeling in your gut screaming to you, saying "NO!"

Our intuition holds answers to so many of our own questions.  How does it feel?  Does is feel right to you?  These questions can be answered by our feelings rather than our intellectual minds.  While some of you may find this hard to do, you will find that when you open up your mind and pay attention to those unspoken words, you have unlocked your intuition!

Have a wonderful day, ~Love, Amy

To learn more about me, visit my website:

To schedule an in-person or remote Reiki session with me, visit my website: sessions OR email me at

Wednesday, December 13, 2023


Good morning, everyone.  I always say that whatever path you find yourself on is the right one, not because you chose it, even if you think you did.

Today's quote is, "Your soul is leading the way."  That's right.  You are a soul, wrapped in a body, here for a specific purpose.  Even if there is no purpose at all, that in itself is still a purpose.  Rather esoteric and philosophical but true.  

There is and was only one Albert Einstein.  Did you know that this terrible math student also came up with the Theory of Relativity in a dream?  Anyone who comes up with a theory that is lifechanging in a dream was meant to have that dream.

When I was in 7th grade, my social studies teacher came up with an assignment.  She had the class write on a piece of paper why we think we are here.  Here being, here on earth.  Because I am who I am, I wrote that there are some people here to do great things and others are just filler.  Keep in mind I was 12 and keep in mind that "filler" is the baker who makes the best donuts in town.  It is the dry cleaner who keeps your clothes looking like new.  It is the postman, smiling at you as he hands you your mail.  They are not less great, just on a different soul mission.

There will only be one Albert Einstein.  There will only be one Pablo Picasso.  Two extreme examples but you get the point.  They were led not by genius but by their souls who knew what they were here to accomplish.  Is this fact?  No.  It is just my opinion but I stand by my original thought.  

Have a wonderful day everyone! ~Love, Amy

To learn more about me, visit my website:

To schedule an in-person or remote Reiki session with me, visit my website: sessions OR email me at

Wednesday, November 29, 2023


Good morning, all.  L O V E.  What thoughts come to your mind when you see the word, love?  What images do you conjure up when you see the word, love?  Do you immediately visualize dozens of rose petals splashed on a bed of satin sheets?  Do you imagine romantic dinners in pricey restaurants?    Love and romance are often glorified in movies and on social media leaving us to wonder where our rose petals are.

Love is so much more than that.  Love is someone bringing you a cup of tea when your nose is stuffed.  Love is sincerely being asked how your day was.  Love is sending a smiley emoji to a friend having a rough day.  Today's quote is, "Love need not be grandiose for love can be found in the simplest and smallest of gestures."  

We get swept up in fantasies because of what we see in the movies, Facebook and tik Tok.  Love is so much more than rose petals and fancy meals, it is opening a door, a warm smile and the simplest and smallest of gestures.

Have a wonderful day everyone! ~Love, Amy

To learn more about me, visit my website:

To schedule an in-person or remote Reiki session with me, visit my website: sessions OR email me at

Monday, October 30, 2023


Good morning, all.  The minute you open your eyes in the morning you begin to make all sorts of assumptions starting with what kind of day it is going to be.  Understandably not every day is going to be filled with wonder and excitement, but it doesn't mean its going to be horrible either.  

Today's quote is, "Assume that your assumptions are wrong."  You know I'm not just talking about your day, right?  The ones that have to go are the ones we make about people we don't even know.  Why do we do that?  We can't say experience because an assumption has nothing to do with experience.  That's the problem.  

The worst trait anyone can have is to be closed minded.  It is to think that overweight people are stupid and lazy.  It is to think that anyone covered in tattoos is up to no good.  It is to think that the person dressed in designer clothes is monetarily rich.  It is to think that the one who is always smiling is happy as can be.

Assumptions cannot be made by appearances.  Keep an open mind and an open heart and assume that most of your assumptions are completely incorrect!

Have a great day everyone! ~Love, Amy

To learn more about me, visit my website:

To schedule an in-person or remote Reiki session with me, visit my website: sessions OR email me at