Monday, July 8, 2024


 Good morning, friends.  The road to our path, the one we prefer to be on is sometimes longer than we would like.  Why is that?  Because we don't listen to our intuition and follow that inner voice.  We choose instead to adhere to the program set before us by parents, teachers and adults who think they know best and because we were young and lacked experience in the world, we too adhered to their thoughts.

Low and behold, we grew up and began to form our own thoughts.  We realized that although these adults may have had our best interest at heart, the path they thought we should take didn't resonate with us.

Today's quote is, "The path to happiness - following your heart - not what you were told."  Clearly this is nothing new or earth shattering.  We know this already but how many of us actually do it?  We were too busy listening to other voices instead of our own and found ourselves in situations too comfortable to get out of.  

Is comfortable and miserable where we want to be?  Sounds like an oxymoron to me.  At some point in our lives, we come to realize what is really matters to us.  The things that were once so important begin to take a back seat when we follow our true path.  We begin to realize that the path to happiness is following your heart, not what you were told.

Have a beautiful day everyone! ~Love, Amy

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