Thursday, October 5, 2023


Good morning, everyone.  I hope you have a great day.  I hope you have a great birthday. I hope you enjoy your trip.  I hope......  We hope for the best in everything.  No one walks out the door hoping to trip on a rock.  Is it bad to hope?  OMG no!  Hope keeps us alive and keeps us going.  You can imagine what happens when you give up hope.

Today's quote is, "Get your hopes high and keep them there."  I really despise when people tell you your dreams are ridiculous and how whatever it is you want in your life will never happen.  How can anyone predict how your life will be?  They can't.  

There are numerous reasons why people think its ok to dash your dreams.  Envy, jealousy, an inability to think outside the proverbial box to name a few.  Whatever it is that you hope for, keep hoping.  Let those hopes be sky high.  I'm rooting for you!

Have a blessed day everyone! ~Love, Amy

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