Thursday, May 25, 2023


Good morning. Happy Thursday.  Do you ever find yourself stuck in a memory.  A good memory is a fun place to be but ruminating on painful times makes that pain fresh once again.  Today's quote is, "Dwelling on what was leaves you to remain in the past the place you so desperately want to leave."  

There are many things you can change but no matter how hard you try, you cannot change the past.  Why do we keep going back there?  Why do we feel the need to punish ourselves.  I honestly cannot answer that, but I have been guilty of revisiting a place I am thankful to no longer be.  

If you must go back in time, ask yourself what you learned from that experience.  Compliment yourself on your growth and understand that you are no longer that person.  Recognize that the old you needed to be in those situations for the sole purpose of learning and growing.  

If you must go down memory lane, learn from it, grow from it and move on.

Have a wonderful Thursday everyone! ~Love, Amy


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To schedule an in-person or remote Reiki session with me, visit my website: sessions OR email me at

Thursday, May 18, 2023

EVERY GAIN A WIN - Thursday, 4/18

Good morning, everyone and happy Thursday.  It is said that winning isn't everything, but I think that depends on who you ask.  To some, winning is absolutely everything.   Those who lack the competitive gene are happy with small steps realizing slow and steady wins the race.

Today's quote is, "The slightest gain is still a win."  Hate to repeat myself but when our inner Veruca Salt tries to push her way out, tell her to relax.  Let her know that small steps are still forward motion. 

That type A personality wants things yesterday.  They overlook those small gains without acknowledging that those too are wins.  Don't be so focused on the end result that you have blinders on. A misstep here and there is not the end of the world.   We all have to remember that getting to where we want should be part of the fun and excitement and that's the first step towards a win.  

Have a wonderful Thursday everyone!~Love, Amy

To learn more about me, visit my website:

To schedule an in-person or remote Reiki session with me, visit my website: sessions OR email me at

Wednesday, May 10, 2023


Good morning.  Happy Wednesday.  When you have an insatiable desire for something sweet, you want milk chocolate covered toffee, not an orange. OK, that's me!  When you yearn for a burger and fries, salmon and rice ain't gonna cut it.  Me again!  You will never thrive at a desk job if you can't sit still.  You got it!

Today's quote is, "Your soul will tell you what you crave - listen closely."  Your soul isn't telling you; you want chocolate or a burger and fries, but your soul is definitely telling you your desk job that encourages daydreaming and not productivity is not for you. 

If you find yourself ignoring your computer screen and staring out the window it may not just be boredom.  It may be that you are not fulfilling your soul's purpose.  I clearly understand the need to do what you need to do.  I understand that bills are a reality.  I also know that your soul will tell you what you crave, you just need to listen. 

Have a wonderful Wednesday everyone! ~Love, Amy

To learn more about me, visit my website:

To schedule an in-person or remote Reiki session with me, visit my website: sessions OR email me at

Wednesday, May 3, 2023


Good morning.  Happy Wednesday.  Forgiveness.  That's a big word.  As a noun we know the meaning but as a verb are we actually able to do it.  Are we grown up enough to say, OK, whatever happened in the past, let's move on because I can no longer hold onto this negative energy.  

Today's quote is, "Forgiveness gives you freedom."  Without forgiveness we are holding a grudge.  Ironically grudge rhymes with sludge.  They are both thick and icky.  Without forgiveness we are holding onto the past.  A past that might have hurt us.  

I speak of this from personal experience.  I've watched people very close to me hold grudges, unable to forgive even the slightest thing and all that grudge is doing is hurting the grudge holder.  That person you are angry with might not even know or care.

Forgiveness may be difficult.  You may feel that you are being weak or giving in.  You are not weak.  To forgive is not for the faint of heart.  To forgive takes strength but once you forgive, you will not believe how light you feel!

Have a wonderful Wednesday everyone! ~Love, Amy

To learn more about me, visit my website:

To schedule an in-person or remote Reiki session with me, visit my website: sessions OR email me at