Wednesday, May 10, 2023


Good morning.  Happy Wednesday.  When you have an insatiable desire for something sweet, you want milk chocolate covered toffee, not an orange. OK, that's me!  When you yearn for a burger and fries, salmon and rice ain't gonna cut it.  Me again!  You will never thrive at a desk job if you can't sit still.  You got it!

Today's quote is, "Your soul will tell you what you crave - listen closely."  Your soul isn't telling you; you want chocolate or a burger and fries, but your soul is definitely telling you your desk job that encourages daydreaming and not productivity is not for you. 

If you find yourself ignoring your computer screen and staring out the window it may not just be boredom.  It may be that you are not fulfilling your soul's purpose.  I clearly understand the need to do what you need to do.  I understand that bills are a reality.  I also know that your soul will tell you what you crave, you just need to listen. 

Have a wonderful Wednesday everyone! ~Love, Amy

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