Thursday, August 5, 2021


Good morning all!  Happy Thursday.  The days when nothing goes right are manageable.  We might not like them but we know there will be a new one tomorrow. Its when they turn into weeks and months that we begin to lose our grip finding it difficult to keep that upper lip stiff.  

What are we doing wrong?  Why does nothing seem to work out?  Is it because our approach hasn't changed nor has our point of view or the lens in which we see?  Maybe!  Today's quote is, "When it all comes crashing down - when it all feels as though everything is falling apart - this can also be the moment of opportunity."

When we are at our lowest from experiencing disaster after disaster it is hard to expect anything else.  When we are in total darkness it is difficult to find the light switch but its there.  Opportunity doesn't always come knocking.  Wouldn't it be great if it did?  We have to look for it and be open minded.  

How can we turn bitter into sweet.  How can we make lemonade out of those lemons?  That my friends is your job.  Your mind is an amazing tool.  Use your creativity and your imagination when that is all you have.  The things that you can do will not only amaze you but truly are amazing!

Have a wonderful Thursday everyone!~Love, Amy

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