Thursday, April 16, 2020


Good morning all.  Happy Thursday.  Is it easy for you to change plans and rearrange your schedule or do you get all bent out of shape when things don't go according to the way you had planned?  In life it is important to go with the flow.  One minute you are sailing away calmly and peacefully and all of a sudden there is a gusty wind.  Such is life.

There are many of us out there who have a really difficult time with change.  Its not good or bad but its definitely harder when you lack flexibility and a vision to see something in a new way.  When you are stuck with one way of doing and seeing things, any other way can feel uncomfortable to the point of pain and worse because it is your own doing.

Today's quote is, "What is it that made you suffer - the answer is nothing - you did it yourself."   I am not Buddha but I agree with him 100%.  It is not what is outside of ourselves that causes suffering but what is within us that causes pain, discomfort, and upset.  It is the way we view certain situations.  I speak not of catastrophic events although there are ways to perceive them as well.  That is another blog altogether.  

What I am referring to is the daily way we create suffering for ourselves.  The struggle that needn't be there but we invite it in all the time.  So what if your plans changed.  So what if the clouds are out.  So what if your heel broke.  New plans may be more fun.  Clouds will prevent a sunburn and now you get to buy a new pair of shoes.  There is always a different way of looking at things.  The glass half full.  The sunny side of the street.  I think you get my point.  

Stop being the one to make yourself suffer.  Be the one who may not get the golden ticket but loves the chocolate even more!

Have a wonderful Thursday everyone! ~Love, Amy

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