I did something else this summer that I hadn't done is a while. I baked! I baked pies and cookies and experimented with other types of desserts. Out of three children only one was home for the summer and she is the one who is ever so mindful about what goes into her mouth. I had to convince her that mindful eating means that you can have your cake and eat it too! Just not the whole thing. I used to bake quite often when my kids were little. I could whip up cookies and pie crust with little effort but when you stop doing something for a while you forget a detail here and there.
Indeed I forgot a key ingredient in my first pie crust but remembered for the second one. Not an earth shattering mistake but all that delicious fruit would have been wasted had I forgotten that key ingredient again. We make mistakes all the time. Some are small enough to breeze through. Some are life changing. That phrase right there is the key to learning. Life changing! If you have made a life changing mistake perhaps it wasn't such a bad mistake after all.
Today's quote is, "Accept you mistakes with grace - we all make them - learn from them and grow from them." Unless you get nothing out of them, a mistake is never a waste. Look at all the time I spent talking about pie crust. I love pie and I was really looking forward to eating it but when it was out of the oven it was inedible. That mistake was never made again. Life changing? No. But our tummies were happier the second time around.
In my life I have made mistakes that at one time I wished I had never made. Reflecting back, those awful mistakes enabled me to grow in ways I would never have grown had I not made them. As awful as they can be, mistakes are part of your tool box. The one that you will both learn and grow from so that they are never repeated.
Have a wonderful Tuesday everyone! ~Love, Amy
To learn more about what I do, visit my website:https://amykaufman.co
To schedule an in-person or remote Reiki session with me, visit my website:https://amykaufman.co/private sessions OR email me at amy@amykaufman.co
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