Tuesday, January 25, 2022


Good morning and happy Tuesday.  Be on time.  Don't be late.  Haste makes waste.  Time is of the essence.  We place so much emphasis on something that is neither linear or truly quantifiable so why do we obsess over something we cannot quantify.  I cannot answer that question.  What I do know is that while we are here on earth at this very moment we should enjoy ourselves and live our lives to the fullest.

Today's quote is, "Love with all your being - laugh with pure delight - our time here is precious make it meaningful."   Time is nothing but a manmade construct.  It is used to monitor and control us.  The ancient Egyptians had the right idea.  They invented sundials which measured the amount of daylight.  They didn't know if it was 1:00 or 4:00 in the afternoon and I suppose they didn't care.  

Time is necessary in the lives we live.  What is also necessary is to enjoy the space from sunrise to sunset because we can never get it back.  Not every minute will have deep meaning and significance but the fact that you are here, breathing, living, eating and just being should be done with purpose and love.  

Have a wonderful Tuesday everyone! ~Love, Amy

To learn more about me, visit my website:https://amykaufman.co

To schedule an in-person or remote Reiki session with me, visit my website:https://amykaufman.co/private sessions OR email me at amy@amykaufmanl.co

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