Thursday, October 10, 2019


Good morning everyone and a happy Thursday to you all.  I write my blogs during the day sitting on the same chair and typing on the same computer.  I much prefer a desk top as I can't seem to get the hang of a laptop.  Its just my personal preference.  I limit my writing to weekdays so that when I write it could be any day of the week.  Often times I sit down and feel like I never left.

Did you ever get that sensation of Deja Vu?  The feeling that you have done something before and have been somewhere before?  Scents and sounds can bring us back to a memory and sometimes to an exact moment.  Its actually pretty cool.  I remember it happening quite frequently when I was a kid and then less and less as I got older.

Whether you have these moments often or can't recall, it does not change the fact that we have all visited this place before and many years down the road, we will be here once again.  Today's quote is, "We are eternal - we are past - we are present - we are future and we shall return."  We strive to learn and to do better each and every day.  Sometimes we succeed and sometimes we fail.  Sometimes we are quick learners and sometimes repetition is needed.  

When someone leaves this Earth much sooner than we would like it causes sadness and heartbreak.  Telling you that you will see each other once again brings no comfort in times of loss.  What can bring comfort is knowing that a breeze on a summer day, a rainbow after a storm, a feather on your path or a familiar perfume is that person's way of communicating and being present once again.  

Death is not sad.  Loss is sad but keep in mind this will not be our first prom.  And by the way, I do hope you had a great time!

Have a wonderful Thursday everyone! ~Love, Amy

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