Thursday, November 7, 2019


Good morning all!  Welcome to Thursday.  Every day we start again.  Sometimes with sleep still in our bones while other mornings find us in touch with our inner Wonder Woman and Superman~Its nice to know that coffee can take you from sleepy to stupendous but if that doesn't work for you try reaching into the depths of your being because all the power you need is right there!

Today's quote is, "Awaken to the power within - its there."  This may be one of my simplest quotes yet but also one of the most powerful.  We don't always tap into our own inner strength because we either forget or misplace it while doing a hundred other things for everyone else but ourselves. 

How can one do for others when one neglects oneself?  It is time to find that inner power that's been lying in wait and not rely on a catastrophe to arouse it.  Luminous yellow is the color that coordinates with our third chakra and is located right in the center of our bodies.  Our gut is the place that holds our inner strength and courage.  

During my Guided Meditation classes I have my students visualize luminous yellow, bright as a golden sun feeding you courage, strength and power.  I am offering you all your own personal class right now!  Reach inside yourselves and feel that beautiful bright luminous yellow color surge within you to awaken the power I know you have, its there waiting for you to turn it on!

Have a wonderful Thursday everyone~ Love, Amy

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To schedule an in-person or remote Reiki session with me, visit my website: sessions OR email me at

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