Thursday, September 15, 2022


Good morning and happy Thursday.  Words are the basis of language.  Words are our primary mode of communication whether they are written, spoken or signed.  Words can also be twisted and mangled in ways that confuse us and leave us wondering what was actually said and what was actually meant.

Today's quote is, "The wisdom of words lies in your interpretation."  Words can be descriptive and enticing.  They can tell you a story and an opinion.  They can leave you feeling empowered or baffled.  Ironically words can even leave you speechless!

Two people can listen to the same speech, read the same article and watch the same movie but have a completely different understanding of what they heard, read and saw.  Humans have the ability to think. This gives us the ability to interpret things the way that makes sense.  Words are the way you hear them and read them.  It is all in your interpretation.

Have a wonderful Thursday everyone! ~Love, Amy



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