Tuesday, April 24, 2018


Good morning.  Hope Monday was a good day and today will be even better.  We will be blessed with another nice day before the rain comes so enjoy it while you can.  We all are so focused on the weather but there is nothing we can do about it but accept what it is.

Today's quote, "You can't live in yesterday for it is now gone - today is here and tomorrow will arrive before you know it."  This is an easy one.  We all know that living in the past prevents you from being present in your life.  Of course we all have memories that we cherish and good times we remember but to constantly relive past events whether pleasurable or painful, stops us in our tracks.

Today is here.  Everyday we are faced with a new today.  What are you going to do with it?  Tomorrow comes up very quickly.  We can't accomplish all we want in one day but do what you can.  Do all that you can to focus on the present moment of today.

All too often we talk about tomorrow.  What we will do next, always thinking about the future without being in the moment.  We lose so much by doing that.  We are never "here."  How can you be "here" when you are focused on "there?"

Think about your work day.  How many of you sit at work thinking about what you will do when you get out?  How many of you look at the clock waiting for the day to end?  Guilty!  Yep.  I do that too, however; when I recognize that that is what I am doing, I tell myself to stop and find something good about the moment I am in.

I just had the best moment ever.  Mia came to sit next to me and wanted some attention.  Instead of ignoring her, I stopped what I was doing (writing this blog), to pet her!  It may sound like nothing but when your beloved pet looks at you with those beautiful eyes they all have, how could you ignore them?

It is moments like these that we need to enjoy.  Moments we come across in our day.  A joke with a friend, a conversation with a colleague that we like.  A really great cup of coffee.  The first step outside on a beautiful day.  Don't rush tomorrow.  I promise you it will come!

Have a wonderful Tuesday everyone and some even more wonderful moments! ~Love, Amy

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