Do you think they make fun of each other? Do you think the raccoon says to the skunk, "you smell!" Do you think the fox thinks he is better than the other two because he is fast? This sounds ridiculous doesn't it but this is what we humans do to each other. We criticize and judge all the time and yet the ones that walk on all fours are more respectful of one another. If one critter is stronger and faster, the other critter simply moves aside to let them through. The ability to discriminate does not make us superior as much as arrogant.
Today's quote is, "To love on the God like plane is to show acceptance for all - we are not God but indeed we can continue to rise." That is the job of God. To love everyone no matter who they are. To love everyone no matter what they have done. To love everyone if they are fast or slow or strong or weak. Is it fair to say that we are not on that vibration so we'll continue to judge? You can say what you want but what is it that makes someone better than someone else?
Is it education, the house you live in, the job you have? None of those things make anyone better than anyone else, in fact we all know that more education does not guarantee intelligence! Lack of judgement and true acceptance is what makes you a kinder soul and I will tell you that for us humans that can be hard AF! Ooooo! First time dropping a bomb in a blog but I do believe it is warranted!
Yea! Judgment. We do it all the time and Virgo that I am, it is my nature to be both critical and self-critical. I don't deny who I am but when I feel judgement rise within me I slow down, take a breath and look at a situation from a different angle. Rather than criticize I try and understand. I will never be on that God like plane but I can certainly aspire to be higher and higher every single day. So can you!
Have a wonderful Thursday everyone! Love, Amy
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