If you have a challenging day ahead, be happy that you are here to face it. If everything is status quo, be grateful for the momentary lack of stress. Know that within each day there are possibilities and opportunities you may not have taken advantage of. If you didn't today, there is always tomorrow and that is why each and every day should be looked upon as a gift.
We take advantage of our days and our months with the assumption that there will be more to come but what if there weren't? We never really think about that. I'm not saying to live your life recklessly because "you never know!" I am saying to appreciate each day for the sheer monotony and the unexpected pleasures offered by each. In other words, each and every day is indeed a gift to be cherished.
Have a wonderful Tuesday everyone! ~Love, Amy
To learn more about what I do, visit my website:https://amykaufman.co
To schedule an in-person or remote Reiki session with me, visit my website:https://amykaufman.co/private sessions OR email me at amy@amykaufman.co
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