Tuesday, July 10, 2018


Good morning.  Tuesday today and all day.  I'm taking a two day break.  No not from you guys!  From life as usual.  I'm off with my husband to Hudson, NY.  We both could use a little R&R.  Even though most people would think I live in the country I like the looks of this beautiful state even further up north.  Needless to say, I'm looking forward to exploring a new destination.

Today's quote, "We make decisions every day - big ones - small ones - important ones - good ones and bad ones - for all decisions made give proper credit to the person who made them, you."  Taking a short break from reality is a small decision.  One that I give myself credit for doing.  One that will make two people very happy.  

It's easy to give yourself credit for something good but what about a bad decision?  Do you own up to your mistakes?  Do you take responsibility when something doesn't turn out the way you want or are you a blamer?  If you are the type of person who finds fault with everyone and everything but themselves then how could you ever move forward?

Listen everyone,  Mistakes are O.K.  We are human and as humans we make mistakes and we make a lot of them but we need to learn from them and not repeat them.  Please give yourself credit for all the wonderful decisions you have made in the past and will make in the future but also recognize the bad decisions you have made as well.

If you are outside at all today, decide to put on sunscreen.  That will be a decision you will not regret!  
Have a wonderful Tuesday everyone! ~Love, Amy

1 comment:

  1. Enjoy your time in Hudson . I’ve never been I hear it’s beautuful
