Thursday, January 31, 2019


Good morning everyone.  Hope you are all doing great on this Thursday, the last day of January.  I've said it before and I'll say it again.  Where did the time go?  My Jamaican vacation seems like a lifetime ago.  It's always like that with vacations.  They go way too quickly but I am grateful for the time away with my family.

The reviews for the hotel I stayed at said the WiFi was very sporadic.  Sketchy to be exact.  Rather than getting anxious about not being able to post and blog I decided to disconnect altogether.  The inconsistency of the WiFi was a blessing in disguise as I was able to truly relax.  Had I not read those reviews I would have gotten all bent out of shape about something I had no power over.

Have you ever been referred to as a control freak?  I'm not partial to that phrase.  When it comes to our own lives aren't we all control freaks?  Don't we all want things the way we want them?  But what happens when something does not go our way no matter what we do?  There are times when a situation cannot be molded to our liking regardless of our efforts.

Today's quote is, "Refuse to create inner stress when what has arisen is completely out of your control."  As much as this makes sense, are you able to do this?  So many times we are the creators of our own stress and anxiety.  Not always of course but often.  Sometimes you just have to let go.

Posting quotes and writing blogs is a job I created myself and something I take very seriously.  The break I took from both turned out to be the best thing I could have done for myself.  What could have been completely stressful was turned around because I simply let go.  If I can do it, so can you!

Have a wonderful Thursday everyone! ~Love, Amy

To learn more about what I do, visit my website:
To schedule an in-person or remote Reiki session with me, visit my website: sessions OR email me

Wednesday, January 30, 2019


Good morning everyone.  Our middle of the week day has begun and that means we are close to Friday.  How awful is it that I do that.  That I show how much I look forward to my week rather than where I am.  It is something that I am working on.  I'm not talking about being in the moment but being grateful for where I am.  There is a difference.

This day job I have is wonderful on many levels but my goal is to be a full time Reiki Master having clients not only in the afternoons but in the mornings as well and freeing myself up for various retreats to attend and work at.  This is what keeps me going.  Knowing that my day job is not the end but rather a means to one.

I strongly, (of course) believe in manifesting what you put out there.  Today's quote is, "Let your will be strong - let your desire be stronger."  Every day of  my life I am closer to my goal as I leave yesterday behind, relish the moment of today and look forward to the wonders of tomorrow.

I do what I need to like most everyone.  Sometimes you just gotta do what you just gotta do but it doesn't mean you release your desire for what you want to do.  Strength is something we all have yet we don't tap into it enough.  Reach down as far as you need to.  You are so much stronger than you know.

Take yourself back to difficult moments and unpleasant events and you will remember just how tough you are.  Be of good cheer and be of strong will and always place your desire on top!

Have a wonderful Wednesday everyone! ~Love, Amy

To learn more about what I do, visit my website:
To schedule an in-person or remote Reiki session with me, visit my website: sessions OR email me at

Tuesday, January 29, 2019


Good morning everyone.  Tuesday has begun.  Do you feel refreshed or did you get up with a million thoughts swimming around in your head?  I've been privy to both of those scenarios.  Usually after my meditation class I get a great night's sleep but there are times when I have life to deal with and my thoughts don't just disappear but stay with me through the night and still can't find the way out the door in the morning.

Many times the problems that weigh heavily on my mind are accompanied by what ifs.  By that I mean, "what if I did this...., what if I said this instead of...."  You get it?  I begin to problem solve in my mind.  This is not unique to me.  We all do this but what happens when thoughts flutter through our minds that make us anxious and nervous.  Sometimes those are the very thoughts we need to stick with. 

Today's quote is, "Go with those uncomfortable thoughts swimming around in your mind - you are in the midst of transition and change and something amazing.If you are thinking how that could be it is because all the thoughts you are thinking lead to change from the ones that make you calm to the ones that cause you to panic.  What you are doing is figuring it out!  And hey, isn't that what we are supposed to do?  

Those conversations you carry on out loud and to yourself are leading you to a better place.  Don't run from them.  Embrace them no matter how scary they might be.  The middle of a transition is one of the hardest places to be but know that you have wings and wings are meant to help you soar!

Have a wonderful Tuesday everyone! ~Love, Amy

To learn more about what I do, visit my website:
To schedule an in-person or remote Reiki session with me, visit my website: sessions

Monday, January 28, 2019


Good morning all.  Happy Monday and happy last week of January!  As the month comes to a close and we are all hopefully still following our commitments (remember I said not to make resolutions but commitments!) and leaving behind what does not serve us and what slows us down.

Forward is the direction we need to take.  Looking behind only slows us down.  Today's quote is, "Directions to your best life - exit from awful and follow the signs to fabulous and your true destination."  This is a great quote for the New Year!  Face it.  Like Christmas we always are shocked when the new year finally comes so I'm sure it has taken you all and myself included, a few weeks to get back into the groove.

Now that life has begun to flow once again, it is time for you to heed my directions.  If it makes you feel better, I too will heed my own word!  Out with the old, in with the new.  Leave all the crap behind.  Now more wallowing in self-pity and if you are looking for pity at all, look elsewhere.  There is so much ahead of all of us.  

I know someone who desperately wants to change their life yet consistently turns to the heartache and disappointment of what was.  That my friends is not an example of forward motion.  Clinging to the past is like getting gum stuck on the bottom of your shoe.  You scrape and scrape but can never completely get rid of it.  

Watch  your step.  Don't step on the gum and jump over those puddles. Keep your eyes focused on the light in front of you away from Awful Street on onward to Fabulous Boulevard!

Have a wonderful Monday everyone! ~Love, Amy
To learn more about what I do, visit my website:
To schedule an in-person or remote Reiki session with me, visit my website: sessions

Saturdays from 12-4, I am at KAHLO for Reiki sessions
Book yours online at OR call 914-764-3677

Friday, January 25, 2019


Good morning everyone.  We have made it to the last Friday in January.  Not to wish time away but we've already discussed the negativity of cold and blustery winds.  Let us just take it one day at a time and enjoy each one for their own value. 

If that makes no sense to you then do what you feel which is always what you should do anyway!  Today's quote is, "Please listen said the voice in her head - it is the only one that makes sense."  Why is it that we tend to listen to others before listening to ourselves even when we have that gut feeling someone's advice is either wrong or way off base.

We do this out of mistrust and fear.  If, like me, you've ever started a sentence with, "I should never have listened to...," it is because you listened not to your inner voice and your own intuition but to someone who does not and never will know you better than you know yourself.   We doubt ourselves often but deep down we know who we are.

If you insist you don't, take a survey right now.  What are your likes and dislikes?  Skiing or snorkeling?  Chocolate or vanilla?   White or red?  Do you get it now?  We know exactly who we are so why entrust ourselves to others?  Not only do we know ourselves better than we think we also want the best for ourselves way more than anyone else except of course our partners and our


Listen to others if you want and even take their advice if you think it is best but when you listen to yourself you can never go wrong!

Have a wonderful Friday everyone! ~Love, Amy

To learn more about what I do, visit my website:
To schedule an in-person or remote Reiki session with me, visit my website: sessions

Saturdays from 12-4, I am at KAHLO in Pound Ridge, NY for hour and half hour Reiki sessions
Book yours online at OR call 914-764-3677

Thursday, January 24, 2019


Good morning everyone.  Happy Thursday.  Are you starting to feel the winter blues?  Day after day the mornings are cold and dark and the afternoons are a carbon copy.  The good news is that since the Winter Solstice on December 22nd, each and every day is exactly one minute longer than the one before even if that extra minute of daylight is barely noticeable at 4:30 on a Tuesday afternoon.

This is a rough time of year for many of us.  The holidays are long gone and even though we complained about all we needed to do for them, holidays are joyous.  Is it really a hardship going to party after party enjoying good food and friends?   Of course not.  But here we are in January along with the cold, the snow and the early sunsets and because of this winter can be a difficult time for us all.  

This is the time when our faith needs to be really strong.  This is when we need to be aware of those high vibrations beyond ourselves.  Today's quote is, "Walk with the knowledge that a loving God is there beside you to guide you -  to help you -  to lead you through darkness and despair."   We all feel the pull of depression during these cold months.  Even the most upbeat person feels moments of doubt, insecurity and unhappiness especially on cold deary winter days. 

The power of the sun is so wonderful.  Even when it is freezing out if the sun is shining brightly everything seems to change.  Think of God as that big bright beautiful winter sun way up in the sky shining down upon you in your personal darkness.  Know that those vibrations are stronger than your blackest moments.  Know that a loving God is always there for you.

Remember, this has nothing to do with religion.  I am talking about the highest vibrations there are that protect us all no matter what our religious or non-religious beliefs are.  If you adhere to that thought on those dark cold winter days, those days will suddenly brighten and the heaviness around them will lift. Have faith everyone.  In two months time it will be Spring!

Have a wonderful Thursday everyone! ~Love, Amy

To learn more about what I do, visit my website:
To schedule an in-person or remote Reiki session with me, visit my website: sessions

Saturdays from 12-4, I am at KAHLO for hour and half hour Reiki sessions
Book yours online at OR call 914-924-2486

Wednesday, January 23, 2019


Good morning everyone.  Welcome to Wednesday.  This month has been flying!  We are lucky that fairly decent weather has been blessing us so far although I also know this is just the beginning!  This is a nice time of year to stay in your cozy warm house, invite a friend over and have a glass of wine.

When we do get together with friends we do so because we enjoy their company.  What happens when that friend just complains and complains.  Do you still enjoy that glass of wine or look at the clock for an acceptable time to call it a night.

Today's quote is, "To repair damaged goods requires time care love patience and a willingness to carry through with it all."  Friends are not those who grow up in the same household as us but people we choose to hang out with. For this reason we don't know the cause of their every action. 

Someone might be attracted to you because you are a good listener with a kind heart but I also understand when a friendship could drain you dry.  You may not fully repair damage done from anyone's childhood but being an ear might be all that is needed.  

We are all damaged in some way.  If your childhood was perfect then lucky you.  If like most of us it wasn't then it is natural to feel a need to share our problems and upsets with those we are comfortable with.  If there is a person in your life be it friend or spouse, know that they lived a life of positive and negative experiences before they met you. 
When you care about someone there is no gift greater than the time, love, care and patience and understanding.

Have a wonderful Wednesday everyone! ~Love, Amy

To learn more about what I do, visit my website:
To schedule an in-person or remote Reiki session with me, visit my website: sessions

Saturdays from 12-4, I am at KAHLO for hour and half hour Reiki sessions
Book yours online at OR call 914-764-3677

Tuesday, January 22, 2019


Hi everyone and happy Tuesday.  I may not know each and everyone of you personally but because you take the time out of your day to read my blog, I consider you all my friends.  Take a moment and think about the friends in your life and why they are there.  Is it because you have common interests?  Is it because this person has been in your life for so long you cannot imagine life without them?  Is it because you genuinely feel good around them?  There are more reasons of course.  Those are but a few.

Now think about the people in your life who are no longer there and why.  Is it because you no longer have anything in common?  Is it because you drifted apart?  There are many reasons why that happens as well.  A real friend should be one who not only shares your interests but shares your unseen qualities.  Today's quote is, "The compliment to your soul is the one who feels the compassion in your heart as strongly as in their own."  While this sounds like what a potential partner should be like it also applies to our friendships.

If you pick up spiders and centipedes in your house (yes I do!) and toss them outside, how could you associate with someone who squooshes ladybugs and ants?  If you view a rainy day as a chance to relax and appreciate the quiet rhythm of the raindrops how could you spend time with someone who looks outside and declares how miserable it is out there?

When choosing friends or partners, seek those who resonate with your inner self.  To the ones that will be a compliment to your inner being.  To the ones that feel love in your heart as much as their own.

Have a wonderful Tuesday everyone! ~Love, Amy

To learn more about what I do, visit my website:
To schedule an in-person or remote Reiki session with me, visit my website sessions

Saturdays from 12-4, I am at KAHLO for hour and half hour Reiki sessions
Book yours online at OR call 914-764-3677

Monday, January 21, 2019


Good morning everyone and happy Monday to you all!  As a child, I went to Sunday school.  It was there that I was told that God is everywhere.   I remember looking under my bed and in my closet trying to find him.  I also thought it was strange that he could be in my bedroom and a million other bedrooms at the same time.

The illusion that God was everywhere was used not out of love but in a threatening way to keep all the Sunday school students in line.  I believe in being taught right from wrong but not under threat of punishment.  As I got older I questioned the existence of God and came to understand that God is the highest vibrations there are.

God is neither cruel nor punishing.  God is not there to tell you what to do.  The actions you take is of your free will but will be observed by all.  Today's quote is, "Observe your actions for if you don't the Universe will."   I feel that God and the Universe are one and act as the greatest protector and giver.  Together they  know just what you need even if you are not sure what it is.

The Universe will stand by you as you make mistake after mistake until you get it right.  Signs will be sent that you may or may not notice but know that your actions of kindness or betrayal will be noticed as well.  What we do gets reflected back at us.  Can we always be happy, cheerful and perfect?  Of course not but being mean, nasty and unforgiving is a choice that none of us should make.

Be the best you can always but no matter what is going on in your life, be kind, be generous and be loving for when you are, God and the Universe will certainly send a smile your way!

Have a wonderful Monday everyone! ~Love, Amy

To learn more about what I do, visit my website:
To schedule an in-person or remote Reiki session, visit my website: sessions

Saturdays from 12-4, I am at KAHLO for hour and half hour Reiki sessions
Book your session online at OR call 914-764-3677

Friday, January 18, 2019


Good morning everyone and happy Friday.  How did you start your day this morning.  Was it smooth going or did the dog puke on your rug.  Were you running around like a lunatic or were you able to get out in a timely manner.  

The tone of the day is created as soon as you wake up.  We wake up happy, angry, frustrated and in any other number of moods.  This mood becomes pervasive in your living space affecting everyone around you.  Who would be want frustration and anger spread like wall paper around our home?  

Today's quote is, "Peace begins at home - if your home is peaceful that energy will be carried to the world outside."  In our very busy lives we are always rushing to go somewhere.  In the midst of it all we are yelling at our kids to take out the dog, giving orders to our spouses and trying to find our keys. 
We can still do all these things but maybe with a kinder and softer heart.  Maybe instead of yelling at our kids we can ask them.  I know what you are thinking,  "yea right," "If I don't yell they pretend they don't hear me."  But if you don't yell and if you stop yelling they will have no choice but to listen.  Maybe yelling is causing them to tune you out.

We all learn to tune out what we don't want to respond to.  Acting calmly and peacefully will assure that those you talk to respond in the same.  When your day starts on a note of calm and peace you already feel better and more able to tackle what is ahead of you.  

We pick up the energy of those around us.  If we are in the company of
peaceful people we tone down naturally.  Will an event set you off later in the day?  It might but you are already a step ahead because you started your day off right, filled with calm and peace and who doesn't want to be around that?

Have a wonderful Friday everyone! ~Love, Amy 

To learn more about what I do, visit my website:
To schedule an in-person or remote Reiki session with me, visit my website: sessions

Saturdays from 12-4, I am at KAHLO for hour and half hour Reiki sessions
Book yours online at OR call 914-764-3677

Thursday, January 17, 2019


Good morning all.  Hope you are having a good week so far.  A good week is when everyone is healthy and well.  My new wonder drug comes in a glass.  Upon the recommendation of my friend from KAHLO I have been starting my day with a juice made from celery, apple and ginger.   It tastes delicious and I have to say, I feel good.

Sadly I had been aware of several deaths in the last few months.  To me it doesn't matter if someone died young or very very old.  It is always sad to hear of someone's passing.  No matter how close you may be with that person your life still goes on.  We can mourn for a period of time and keep those wonderful memories close to our hearts but as long as we are breathing there comes a point where we must come back to ourselves.  

Sadly there are those who live for the dead.  As if unkept promises will be found out.  Today's quote is, "Do not sacrifice your life to honor the wishes of the deceased."  Without going into detail I will tell you that I witnessed this first hand and saw a life destroyed by it.  We all want to be noble and do the right thing but sometimes that right thing no longer makes sense.  

Are you a bad person because you broke a promise to one who is no longer on this earth?  Absolutely not.  Life events take many turns and what once was the right thing to do has now become a punishment.  No one deserves a life of constant turmoil and duress.  Love that person while they are here and honor those wishes as long as they make sense to you.  We are all entitled to freedom!

Have a great Thursday everyone! ~Love, Amy

To learn more about what I do, visit my website:
To schedule an in-person or remote Reiki session with me, visit my website: sessions

Saturdays from 12-4, I am at KAHLO for hour and half hour Reiki sessions
Book yours online at OR call 914-764-3677

Wednesday, January 16, 2019


Good morning all.  I'm a natural hugger.  I show my affection to those I love and to those who need it.  My hugs are never forced.  I hug because I want to and because physical affection comes naturally to me. 

Were you ever asked to hug a relative when you were younger but didn't feel the love?  It is the ultimate of yucky.  I had a neighbor who always asked me to give him a hug and because he was an adult and because I was a kid, I obliged.  It was only when I was much older did I realize what a creep he was.  To this day I remember that yuck feel.

When you have real affection for someone it is wonderful to show it in whatever way you want but if it isn't there then keep it to yourself.  Today's quote is, "Show love willingly and wantingly - not under veil of threat - for that is not and never will be real love."  

A smile cost nothing and could really make someone's day but keep those hugs for those truly dear to you.  I despise those fake hugs.  The ones where the person's arms are around you with absolutely no pressure.  They are a close relative to the air kiss.  When you receive either one it is clear it does not come from the heart but rather from a script that says, "hug when seen."  Know that at this moment in the early morning hours I am sending you all a real heartfelt hug. 

Have a wonderful Wednesday everyone! 
~Love, Amy

To learn more about what I do, visit my website:
To schedule an in-person or remote Reiki session with me, visit my website: sessions

Saturdays from 12-4, I am at KAHLO for hour and half your Reiki sessions
Book yours online at OR call 914-764-3677

Tuesday, January 15, 2019


Good morning.  Today is Tuesday. Nothing extraordinary, just Tuesday.  Is anyone out there feeling that lull now that the holidays are over?  To me the holidays have nothing to do with religion.  I just like seeing everyone's house beautifully lit up and all the festive windows in the local shops.  People seem to be friendlier as well even through their stress.

Now that Christmas has come and gone and we are into a new year there is no reason to be down.  There is no reason to not be excited about your ordinary Tuesday.  Today's quote is, "Absolutely nothing prepares you for life - each day presents opportunities to learn to grow and to thrive - hold it in your hand and drink it all in."  

The smallest thing could be a learning opportunity for you and you just don't even realize it.  Maybe it was something you overheard.  Maybe you looked up at just the right moment.  You never know where an opportunity may be lurking which is why you need to be open and grab each one.  

Life will do that you know.  Life will throw opportunity your way.  Life will also throw a wrench in there every once in a while as well.  It is up to you to distinguish between the two and go for the former without letting the latter stop you.   

About a month ago I got a new Reiki client and all because someone complimented me on my coat.  It happened that I had a headache that day. I just wanted to get what I needed and go home but instead of excusing myself I allowed myself to engage in conversation.  By the end of our exchange a Reiki session had been booked.  

Had I not looked in the right direction this opportunity would have alluded me.  Look to your left, to your right and straight ahead.  Opportunities are there.  Even if I had not gotten a new client that day, I got a really nice compliment from a total stranger.  I would still have had a headache but I was able to smile.

Have a wonderful Tuesday everyone! ~Love, Amy

To learn more about what I do, visit my website:
To schedule an in-person or remote Reiki session with me, visit my website: sessions

Saturdays from 12-4, I am at KAHLO for hour and half hour Reiki sessions
Book yours online at OR call 914-764-3677

Monday, January 14, 2019


Good morning everyone.  I can't say I've worked enough this week as this week has only just begun.  When I say that I refer not to my Reiki sessions at home or at KAHLO and Guided Meditation classes but to my day job.  Always looking on the bright side I have no right to complain.  My next week off is one month away.   
There are times when it doesn't matter how many days off you've had.  You are just done as toast.  Enough is something that varies from person to person as we all have our own levels of tolerance.  Both my sons had their wisdom teeth out.  Child A was convinced he was dying while Child B insisted on taking a walk immediately afterwards.  

Today's quote is, "Find your threshold - the one that says you've had enough - enough pain, enough sorrow, enough self defeat - if your threshold is high you cannot move on - only you will know when enough is enough."

We all hold more than a threshold for pain but one for sadness and self punishment as well.  Things happen that bring us to tears and cause true sadness but when does holding onto that sadness become a punishment for us?  When is it safe to let go?  Losing a loved one is beyond painful.  It is an indescribable feeling yet if you could turn it around to remember all that was good in that life maybe some of that sadness could dissipate.

When things are not going as you would like them to you need to keep going and not be overwhelmed.  We all do things in our own time and at our own pace and only we know when we've had all that we can take.  Cry if you need to.  Let those tears fall.  Wallow in self-pity but only briefly.  

If the worst has already happened then for sure the best is yet to come! 

Have a wonderful Monday everyone! ~Love, Amy

To learn more about what I do, visit my website:
To schedule an in-person or remote Reiki session with me, visit my website: sessions

Saturdays from 12-4, I am at KAHLO in Pound Ridge, NY for hour and half hour Reiki sessions
Book yours online at OR call 914-764-3677

Friday, January 11, 2019


Good morning everyone and happy Friday!  I hope you have a relaxing weekend coming up and even if you are busy you can find some time for yourself.  Errands need to be done but we need to slow down even for a bit and release the burdens of the week that passed.  There are those of us who carry way too many burdens.  The burdens of children, parents, and some that we never even met.

Today's quote is, "Carry with you the burdens of your ancestors or choose in this life to release and be free of them."  When we emerge into this life we are connected to a past we know nothing about.  We are sometimes told by our parents of the struggles our grandparents and great grandparents may have gone through and sometimes we are told nothing.

Even at birth we struggle for our independence.  We struggle to be free of comparison, tethered to a soul who may have had an incredibly hard journey that somehow we are continuing.  Free yourself from this burden by listening closely but knowing this is your journey to take and your path to travel and when you do, make this the ride of your life and yours alone

Have a wonderful Friday everyone! ~Love, Amy

To learn more about what I do, visit my website:
To schedule an in-person or remote Reiki session with me, visit my website: sessions

Saturdays from 12-4, I am at KAHLO for hour and half hour Reiki sessions
Book yours online at OR call 914-764-3677

Thursday, January 10, 2019


Good morning everyone!  Wow, I am on a roll this week.  My blogs are nicely complimenting each other.  Yesterday I wrote about fear.  Today I am writing about confidence.  To me those two emotions are closely related.  Fear could stem from a lack of confidence and vice versa.

Today's quote is, "It is not ability but lack of confidence that is our ultimate deterrent."  What is it that attributes to a lack of confidence?  Perhaps we were told we weren't good enough at writing, cooking, singing, drawing, math, painting or any number of things we tried to be successful at.

A lack of confidence could easily come straight from ourselves too.  Maybe your parents boosted you to the stars yet for some reason you feel as though they are totally out of your reach.  It makes no difference who the responsible party is for your lack of confidence but what I can say with absolute certainty is that it will always stand in the way of where you want to go.

I will admit this is a hard one.  Make sure the road you wish to take is one you really want to travel on and that it is not a dead end.  I truly believe that the mind is extremely powerful which is why you need to say wonderful things about yourself every day.  Stand straight with your shoulders back and your head held high. You will look different and feel different as well.

Have a wonderful Thursday everyone! ~Love, Amy

To learn more about what I do, visit my website:
To schedule an in-person or remote Reiki session with me, visit my website: sessions

Saturdays from 12-4, I am at KAHLO for hour and half hour Reiki sessions
Book yours online at OR call 914-764-3677

Wednesday, January 9, 2019


Good morning everyone and happy Wednesday.  Interesting that today's quote reflects the last paragraph of yesterday's blog.  Without further ado here is today's quote, "Embrace the unknown with excitement rather than fear - you never know the spectacular places it could take you."    

Our personalities are evident at birth.  If you are a parent think back to when your child was a three year old.  Now that they are ____________ are they much different?    If they were cautious then are they still or did they jump into new situations feet first and still do?  I remember my older son walking beautifully with a push toy yet if you took it away he would sit down.  He finally let go of it when he was 15 months old.

You might be thinking what a late walker but the truth was he was perfectly capable of walking on his own.  He was just afraid to fall.  My other son was the complete opposite.  When he was two years old he learned how to climb out of the crib.  Funny now, not so much then.  Was there a possibility of falling?  Of course there was but it didn't bother him one bit. 

The late walker is still cautious while his brother throws caution to the wind. Two different people,  Two different personalities.  Keeps me on my toes!!  Although we are all just fine the way we are wouldn't it be a welcome change to look fear in the face knowing we are the stronger one? 

Go to that party even if you don't know a soul.  Maybe you will have a horrible time but maybe it will be life changing.  Eat new foods, travel the world, do something you never thought you would do.  It's OK to be scared but much more fun to be bold!

Have a wonderful Wednesday everyone! ~Love, Amy    

To learn more about what I do, visit my website:
To schedule an in-person or remote Reiki session with me, visit my website: sessions

Saturdays from 12-4, I am at KAHLO in Pound Ridge for hour and half hour Reiki sessions
Book yours online at OR call 914-764-3677

Tuesday, January 8, 2019


Good morning everyone.  Happy Tuesday.  Since the new year has begun it is time for all of us to shine brightly and show off what we have.  Today's quote is, "Walk in your own light - not in the dim shadows of others."

I know that was fast but no time like the present moment to get started or to continue on our journey.  We are all light.  It is just that at times we don't feel it and think we have to grab onto someone's coat tails in order to be seen.  When we lack confidence the light around us reflects our feelings.  I would rather be in the darkness of the unknown than walk in the shadow of another.

We all need to get to that place.  At least in darkness we can figure out what we want and who we are.  When you attach to someone else you are no longer you.  Don't be shy and take your time.  Makes no difference how long your journey takes. 

Don't compare yourself to anyone.  We are who we are.  What one might fear may excite another.  Trust that you will find that light and walk proudly in it.  

Have a wonderful Tuesday everyone! ~Love, Amy 

To learn more about what I do, visit my website:
To schedule an in-person or remote Reiki session with me, visit my website: sessions

Saturdays from 12-4, I am at KAHLO for hour and half hour Reiki sessions.  
Book yours online at OR call 914-764-3677

Monday, January 7, 2019


Good morning everyone!  After my two week hiatus I am so happy to be back to share my quotes and blogs.  Several days ago we said good bye to 2018 and welcomed 2019.  Thinking back to just a few months ago when the new year seemed ages away we were clear on the changes we wanted to make in our lives but probably didn't give it a whole lot of thought because, well, the new year was months away!

Slowly and steadily the days slipped by and we got closer and closer to January 1st.  Well today is January 7th and we need to stop talking about them and start acting on them.  Today's quote is, "If you are clear on the difference between saying something and doing something why is nothing happening."  There is a difference between saying and doing and of course we know that.  If you are all talk don't expect any changes to be made.

If you are actually doing something to change your life then kudos to you.  You are taking control of your life in a positive way however; you also need to have patience.  Real change takes time.  That story of an overnight success gets way too much attention.  Nothing happens overnight.  You just weren't witness to the effort put forth.

Do what you can with honest intention.  Be clear on the difference or differences you want in your life.  I think self talk is important.  It helps you to clarify your wants and desires so you know which direction to take but if all you are is talk then you need to expect nothing.  Let this be the year of change and let that change begin today!

Have a wonderful Monday everyone! ~Love, Amy

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To schedule an in-person or remote Reiki session with me, visit my website: sessions

Saturdays from 12-4, I am at KAHLO for hour and half hour Reiki sessions
Book your appointment online at OR call 914-764-3677