Friday, January 18, 2019


Good morning everyone and happy Friday.  How did you start your day this morning.  Was it smooth going or did the dog puke on your rug.  Were you running around like a lunatic or were you able to get out in a timely manner.  

The tone of the day is created as soon as you wake up.  We wake up happy, angry, frustrated and in any other number of moods.  This mood becomes pervasive in your living space affecting everyone around you.  Who would be want frustration and anger spread like wall paper around our home?  

Today's quote is, "Peace begins at home - if your home is peaceful that energy will be carried to the world outside."  In our very busy lives we are always rushing to go somewhere.  In the midst of it all we are yelling at our kids to take out the dog, giving orders to our spouses and trying to find our keys. 
We can still do all these things but maybe with a kinder and softer heart.  Maybe instead of yelling at our kids we can ask them.  I know what you are thinking,  "yea right," "If I don't yell they pretend they don't hear me."  But if you don't yell and if you stop yelling they will have no choice but to listen.  Maybe yelling is causing them to tune you out.

We all learn to tune out what we don't want to respond to.  Acting calmly and peacefully will assure that those you talk to respond in the same.  When your day starts on a note of calm and peace you already feel better and more able to tackle what is ahead of you.  

We pick up the energy of those around us.  If we are in the company of
peaceful people we tone down naturally.  Will an event set you off later in the day?  It might but you are already a step ahead because you started your day off right, filled with calm and peace and who doesn't want to be around that?

Have a wonderful Friday everyone! ~Love, Amy 

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Saturdays from 12-4, I am at KAHLO for hour and half hour Reiki sessions
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