Forward is the direction we need to take. Looking behind only slows us down. Today's quote is, "Directions to your best life - exit from awful and follow the signs to fabulous and your true destination." This is a great quote for the New Year! Face it. Like Christmas we always are shocked when the new year finally comes so I'm sure it has taken you all and myself included, a few weeks to get back into the groove.
Now that life has begun to flow once again, it is time for you to heed my directions. If it makes you feel better, I too will heed my own word! Out with the old, in with the new. Leave all the crap behind. Now more wallowing in self-pity and if you are looking for pity at all, look elsewhere. There is so much ahead of all of us.
I know someone who desperately wants to change their life yet consistently turns to the heartache and disappointment of what was. That my friends is not an example of forward motion. Clinging to the past is like getting gum stuck on the bottom of your shoe. You scrape and scrape but can never completely get rid of it.
Watch your step. Don't step on the gum and jump over those puddles. Keep your eyes focused on the light in front of you away from Awful Street on onward to Fabulous Boulevard!
Have a wonderful Monday everyone! ~Love, Amy
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Have a marvelous Monday Amy