Monday, April 29, 2019


Good morning everyone and happy Monday.  One of the things I do since I am up at a crazy early hour in the morning is yoga.  I've been practicing yoga Monday through Friday for several weeks in addition to a brief morning meditation.  I have found that not only am I calmer in times of stress I am also no longer consumed by worry.  Did I know this to be a benefit of meditation?  Absolutely but not of yoga which has now turned out to be a wonderful enhancement for my morning routine.

The Buddha has said that we are the cause of our own misery.  Today's quote is a nod to his belief.  "One day it will become evident that we are the cause of all our suffering and anguish."  What da ya know!  Turns out he's right!  We just need to be aware but that right there is the problem.  We aren't aware!  We don't realize that it is us.  We don't realize that we are the cause of our stress and anxiety.  I'm not going to tell you to take a deep breath and it will all go away.  That's not realistic. 

If you are alive, you have stress.  If you are a breathing living human, you have a certain level of stress.  It is the way you handle that stress and what you do when it rises within you that will allow you to carry on.  Holding onto every little problem can cause the same amount of suffering as something big.  If water has spilled all over the floor, just wipe it up without sighing or cursing.  If your computer crashes that is a big problem but if you let your blood pressure rise because of it you now have two problems.  

I understand that it is difficult to observe a situation before reacting but that is truly the way to end suffering and anguish over things that are easily fixable and those that take more work but you must try for the sake of your well being.  

What is needed is an outlet and a way to beat that stress before it beats you.   My morning yoga and meditation are tools to help me cope with the daily stress of being alive.  If downward dog does not appeal to you then take five minutes every morning to meditate and if five minutes seem too long, begin with one.  You will be on your way to observing your day for what it is and leave suffering and anguish in the dust!

Have a wonderful Monday everyone! ~Love, Amy

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