What is perfection? Straight teeth? Smooth skin? A certain weight and height? Tell that to plus size model Ashley Graham. The things we might not like about ourselves are all part of who we are and not just our physical attributes but the way we view the world. Today's quote is, "Be confident that the uniqueness of you may take time for you to notice - even when noticed by others you are the one who needs to believe." Time to stop picking on yourself and criticizing your bumpy nose, crooked teeth and bald spot! Time to appreciate the way certain music makes you cry or the way a sunset makes your heart race.
We are all unique in our own way and not just how we appear to others but the way we think and feel and observe the world. Take for instance the photo below. Some of you might notice the clouds while someone else will see the branches yet someone else will see the pink sky. Being unique is not a burden but a blessing. You my friends out there are a blessing upon this earth.
Have a wonderful Tuesday everyone! ~Love, Amy
To learn more about what I do, visit my website:https://amykaufman.co
sions OR email me at amy@amykaufman.co
Beautiful Amy . Happy Tuesday tobyou ❤️