Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Good morning all!  No rain today, nice and sunny or at least that what I heard.  Hmmm, let's get to today's Reiki quote - "Don't interpret for others - ask questions - be clear - their meaning may not be what you think."  I mean I thought I heard it was going to be a nice day.  That's really a little thing,  A change of weather is not going to ruin someone's day unless of course you wear the wrong shoes.  That then is indeed a tragedy!  But seriously everyone - when you interpret meaning without questioning you are opening up not only yourself but obviously the other person and NOT in a good way.  Unless you care enough to ask questions  you can never know what is in someone else's mind unless you are a true mind reader and I don't know that anyone can make that claim.  Be clear with people. Friendships can be destroyed, marriages can be ruined because trust is not there.  A joke to someone else may be taken as something serious to someone else.  Always know you have the right to question so that you are clear with another's meaning.  For today, ask, don't just take a statement at face value.  You will not be criticized, but validated.  You are worth it and always know that!!!!  Have a beautiful day everyone and I will tell you, it IS going to be sunny! Peace and Love~Amy~

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