Friday, December 23, 2016


Christmas Eve!  This day always has a special feel!  A wonderful day to all!  But is everyone happy?  Are they sad?  Reflective?  Today's thought brings that about and here it is, "Agreed - only a mind reader can read minds - the rest of us need to ask and assume nothing."  Why is it so easy and natural to think you know what someone else is thinking?  Is it body language?  Is it facial language?  Or are we reading things that really aren't even there?  Sometimes it seems we want to pick a fight.  But why?  So many conflicts and misunderstandings can be avoided if only we asked questions and dropped the assumptions.  Not just because it is a holiday but because we are all here another day.  Let us all ask questions of another and for today and everyday, don't pretend you know someone else's thoughts.  If you are unsure of something, then ask.  Say, "Did you mean that?"  or "Is that what you really meant?"  Because those simple questions can do SO MUCH to avoid arguments, ill will and just terrible feelings in general.  So from now on, remember!  Ask!  I will tell you right now that I honestly mean...Have a wonderful and special day!~Love, Amy~

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