Monday, June 24, 2019


Good morning everyone!  Happy Monday.  If you are a mom or a dad, take a moment to go back in time when your now grown children were young and fighting for their independence!  I remember my daughter at two years old dressing herself and putting on her cute little shoes without any help from me, insisting she could do it all. 

Yesterday as I was leaving a store, I had my hands full.  With several maneuvers I would have been able to open a door but I welcomed the stranger who said, "here, let me help you."  What a relief.  Sure I could have opened that heavy door but it might have resulted in a broken thumb.  Why do we think we can't ask for help?  Why do we think that asking for help is a sign of weakness when our first reaction would be to rescue a dozen eggs falling from a stranger's Trader Joe's bag rather than watching them hit the ground.

Today's quote is, "When help is offered - take it - accept it and be gracious - in time the chance to reciprocate will be upon you."   Maybe our reluctance to accept help is due to a combination of stubbornness and pride but then where do those two useless characteristics take you.  Nowhere fast!  Think of all the times you needed help.  Now think of all the times you needed help and didn't take it or ask for it.  Now think of all the times you not only asked for help but took it.  And finally, think of how different your life would be if you chose to remain obstinate in your request for assistance.

Admit it.  You are far better off when graciously accepting help.  There will always be a time when you will be the one to hold open a door,  carry a package or give advice.  The person on the receiving end will be forever grateful especially if it prevents them from dropping a dozen eggs!

Have a wonderful Monday everyone! ~Love, Amy

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