Monday, June 17, 2019


Good morning everyone.  Happy Monday.  You can't see me right now but I just yawned which means I'm tired.  My weekend was fun and busy.  I'm missing my pillow right now but we'll have another date tonight.  Walking into my room at work snaps me out of my tired frame of mind as I am warmly greeted by the smile of my co-worker.  We all know what a genuine smile looks like and feels like and most importantly, we know how it makes us feel. 

We don't always need words to convey our mood.  Our physical movement says so much.  Today's quote is, "We are all multi-lingual - we speak not just with our voices but with our eyes and our bodies."  Our eyes alone speak volumes!  If any one of you reading this has teenagers you certainly understand that!

It is always important to think before you speak.  I'm pretty sure that was said because even before the words are out of our mouths, we've already spoken a full sentence.  Time for a story!  My wedding anniversary was a few months ago. While I was preparing a celebratory dinner, my husband presented me with a beautiful box.  I LOVE getting gifts and I especially love when a box is wrapped with ribbons and bows, almost too pretty to open. 

Well I did open up this box and as soon as I saw what was inside, my husband knew exactly how much I didn't like the necklace he had picked out for me.  I tried very hard to smile but my lips refused.  Without speaking, my expression said it all.  "I love you but not what you bought me."  Did he feel bad?  Yea, but you know what?  This was the first time in 27 years I wasn't happy with my gift.  A pretty impressive record if you ask me!  

Body language is called that because that is exactly what it is....language!  Before you've uttered a single word, your entire being has already spoken.

Have a wonderful Monday everyone! ~Love, Amy

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