Thursday, June 13, 2019


Good morning everyone.  Happy Thursday.  Almost Friday.  Almost the weekend.  That means that if you are stuck in an office from 9-5, 5 days a week, you are about to be set free to do what you want without looking at a clock.  We love our freedom.  Not that there is anything wrong with having a schedule, its just that we are the ones who like making our OWN without having to adhere to someone else's. 

Weekends are when we can hopefully leave our work life behind.  Something that should also be left behind are the movies we replay in our minds from things that upset us in the past.  Memories of unfortunate incidents and the list of people who wronged us.  Was it their doing or did you allow it to happen?  Either way it really doesn't matter.  What matters is the past is the past and that is where it should remain.

Today's quote is, "You are no longer a prisoner - the past is now behind you."   When you throw something away do you look back or do you walk away?  If you threw something out it means it is no longer needed.  Past hurts and upsets are experiences we don't want to revisit yet sometimes we do just that, over and over again leaving us in a sort of prison of the mind. 

OMG - who wants to live there?  I for one don't.  Whatever happened in the past is done.  It's over.  We've all been hurt before and we've all suffered in various ways but reliving that pain will only serve to keep it fresh.  Unclench your mind and set yourself free. 

Have a wonderful Thursday everyone! ~Love, Amy

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