Did you ever bump into something and blame the something. "Damn chair!" Even if the last time the damn chair was moved it was from the Ethan Allen show room to your living room? That's what we do. We blame the object instead of our clumsiness. Let's take this example to a deeper level. Let's talk about suffering. Not the most fun topic but something we need to explore.
Most suffering is self-inflicted. We do things we know we shouldn't do. We love spicy food but the love is not reciprocated. We go to places that say "Do Not Enter." And then when the outcome is bad we blame the situation, the food and the place when it was us who caused our pain. Today's quote is, "What is it that made you suffer - the answer is nothing - you did it yourself." Oh the unintentional suffering we cause ourselves.
If only we knew that the situation we were about to dive into would cause us harm we would walk the other way. Did you ever date the "bad boy or bad girl?" Our friends warned us but we thought they seemed so much fun until our hearts were broken in half. This is when we completely ignored our inner voice and our inner wisdom and chose to go with the flow even though we almost drowned.
If we look over our shoulder at sufferings of our past, we will see that it clearly is us who should be held accountable for our pain. Every decision should be made with thought and care but if the tendency is to leap before think, own the pain, accept the results and at least learn from it.
To learn more about me, visit my website:https://amykaufman.co
To schedule an in-person or remote Reiki session with me, visit my website:https://amykaufman.co/private sessions OR email me at amy@amykaufman.co
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