Thursday, October 11, 2018


Good morning all and a terrific Thursday as well.  How willing are you to be open minded?  Maybe the question should be how stuck in your ways are you. It takes a long time to see things in a new light.  If you are willing there can be a whole new world out there.

Today's quote is, "You can force nothing - not change, not attitudes, not behaviors unless you are willing to open your heart and open your mind."  This is so true.  Nothing can be forced and I think you know that.  Think of a conversation you've recently had.  Was it a true conversation or were you trying to convince someone to accept your view point.

Think of a conversation with someone who actually responded, "wow, I never thought of that!"  The person who replied in that way has shown a willingness to open their heart and mind to a new way of thinking.  How refreshing that is when it happens which is why I asked if you are stuck in your ways.

To an extent we all are.  We see things the way we always have in a a certain way and think that's the way it is.  Or is it?  There is a black and white illustration we have all seen.  The one where some without hesitation see and old woman while others see a man with a beard.  Who is correct?  Everyone.  There is no right or wrong, just a different way of looking at the same thing.  

It's fun to watch two different people with two different viewpoints look at those optical illusions and see what the other person sees.  That is how we need to look at life.  You can never force your opinions on someone else but you can share them and hope the other person is open minded enough to listen and see.

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To schedule an in-person or remote Reiki session with me, visit my website: sessions

Have a wonderful Thursday everyone! ~Love, Amy


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