Thursday, November 8, 2018


Good morning everyone.  Have you ever watched a bird in flight?  It's really a wonderful sight to behold.  Children always say they wish they could fly.  As we get older we stop verbalizing that wish and begin to acknowledge the realization that flying is something we will never be able to do.  Not physically anyway!

Birds are the ultimate signifier of freedom.  Watching them soar across the sky gives me an incredible feeling of peace and never ceases to be magical.  In this respect I wish we could all be like birds soaring with joy and determination through our lives but we don't do that.  We let old hurts get in our way.   We allow anger, resentment and  regret to stop us in our tracks.  We tighten our grip to all that does not serve us as if letting go would change us to someone we would not recognize and who is no longer familiar.

Why do we do that?   Why is it that we want to be defined by all that negativity?  How great would it be if only we could let go.  Today's quote is, "Do not let your identity be tied to past mistakes and old sorrow - you are so much more than sufferings gone by - acknowledge them and gently release them."  We all do this and why is that?

For some of us it is habit.  Again, it is what we've always done so we think to ourselves, why stop now.  For others it remains the perfect excuse and the reason we are not where we want to be. By blaming your past, it becomes your excuse.  You follow me?  We become so tied to our past mistakes and hurts that that is the only thing we identify with.  Logically we know this makes no sense but we get stuck and don't know how to let go.

Here is how to let go.  Desire!  That's right.  I know!  Sounds so simple but that is step number one.  In order to let go you need the desire to do so.  In our heart of hearts we all want what will create the best outcome for us.  By clinging to our past we will never move forward to our future and achieve all that we want for ourselves.  We know that logically but we get stuck emotionally.

Well everyone, I'm here to tell you it is high time for change and logical thinking.  Loosen that grip and let go.  Release that anger, resentment, regret and whatever else you are holding onto with a death grip.  Stretch out those fingers and let the blood flow to those white knuckles.  It may be hard at first but it is not impossible.  With desire you can do anything, even soar like an eagle!

Have a wonderful Thursday everyone! ~Love, Amy

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To schedule an in-person or remote Reiki session with me, visit my website: sessions

Saturdays from 12-4, I am at KAHLO for hour and half hour Reiki sessions
To schedule an appointment, book online at OR call 914-764-3677
KAHLO is at 65 Westchester Avenue, Pound Ridge, NY

1 comment:

  1. A blessing and grateful to you Amy for this eloquent message this morning .
