Friday, November 30, 2018


Good morning everyone.  Yesterday was the last Thursday of the month so today obviously is the last Friday and the beginning of a new month.  Aww!  A new beginning.  Interesting that this new beginning is also an ending as this new month will soon give way to a new year.  I promise not to perseverate on the topic of holiday gift giving and shopping and buying.  

When that becomes a job along with everything else on your list, it is no longer fun to shop.  What I will say is don't let yourself get crazy.  Without knowing your bank account I would say we probably all have more than most.  Why is it that the desire for more and more and more is so prevalent in our society?  

Watching the Kardashians vacation yet again in Bali and any other local and searching for that perfect outfit in a closet the size of my kitchen makes us feel like we are missing out.  That my friends is fantasy and let them live it out in peace.  Today's quote is, "Enough is when your focus is  joy for the abundance you've been blessed with without the desire for more and more and more."  You know what really bothers me?  What really bothers me is when someone cannot see what is right in front of them.  When a complete lack of gratitude is overcome with a greedy wish for more.  

There will always be someone with more than you.  More money, a bigger car, a fancier house but will they make lasagna the way you do?  Will they make their partner laugh like you do?  Is the relationship they have with their children warm and loving or cold and distant?  You can't put a price on any of those things.  Of course we need money to live but at what point is it enough that you can focus on what is right in front of you.  

Stop craning your neck to see who has more.  You will only get a sore neck and miss all that is right there in front of your very eyes!

Have a wonderful Friday everyone! ~Love, Amy

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