The freedom to linger over your morning coffee and indulge in a leisurly breakfast is saved for days when there is no plan in place. Most days we are up and about with a purpose. Our lives are very much like work. The Universe has already laid out our path and all we need to do is follow it.
So why bother doing what we do if our path is already planned. Because no one gives us a cheat sheet. While it may be laid out there is still effort to be made. The only thing that gets in the way is us. Ourselves. We get frustrated and disappointed when things don't work out and we depart from our desired destination.
Today's quote is, "Your path has been laid out - deviate if you must to learn and explore but find your way back when you hear the call." Frustration is a normal part of the process. It is often necessary to deviate from an original plan. Its not like nothing is happening. Along the way you will be learning and experiencing other things.
If it makes you feel good, yours truly gets frustrated too. There are times my classes aren't full and I've had a slow week. I wonder who is even reading these blogs. I question if I should even be doing this but then when I think back on how I have helped people overcome stress, anxiety and heartache, I realize this is exactly what I need to be doing and that indeed this is my path.
taking a break and know that its really OK to do that. There is no specific length of time for that break either. Take as long as you want and as long as you need. When you are ready to return you will feel a gentle nudge from the Universe letting you know it is time to come home and return to your path. The one you were meant to be on all along!
Have a wonderful Friday everyone! ~Love, Amy
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To schedule an in-person or remote Reiki session with me, visit my website: sessions
Saturdays I am at KAHLO for hour and half hour Reiki sessions
Book online at OR call 914-764-3677
I am so grateful you are here writing your blog Amy. Every word rings true and you have helped alleviate my anxiety level so much since I started reading your blogs . To know that I am not alone in how I feel . ❤️ Pam