Transition is hard and for some it is really hard. It brings up feelings of stress and anxiety and fear. Some of this fear may not even be because of us! It could be what we are holding onto from who we were in the past.
Today's quote is, "We hold all the information of our ancestors from the past souls of who we were." Our past lives encompass all the souls of who we were. The ones we have descended from still surround us. That means that souls of our past and those of our ancestors are still together and fear and anxiety from the past may not really be ours but may have been passed down.
Deja Vu is something we have all experienced. That feeling that you have been somewhere before, seen something before or viscerally felt the exact same thing before. That is because you have been here before and seen the same thing, done the same thing and felt the same way.
Our bodies leave this earth but our souls are eternal. If you have fear and anxiety relating to transitions for example it is possible you came from someone with those exact fears. We inherit more than blue eyes from our descendants but our fears, anxieties and traumas as well. Embrace all that is part of your past and understand that those fears may not be your fears after all.
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Have a wonderful Friday everyone and a wonderful weekend! ~Love, Amy
To schedule an in-person or remote Reiki session with me, visit my website: sessions
Have a wonderful Friday everyone and a wonderful weekend! ~Amy
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