Friday, January 6, 2017


Good Morning and a very happy Friday to all.  I for one am very happy I can sleep tomorrow.  This getting up at 5 is for the birds and the birds aren't even up.  So hoping for a small delay today but the weather did not bring the storm we all hoped for.  That's OK because the up side is it IS Friday after all!  Any big weekend plans?  I don't know yet what tomorrow will bring but I do know that tonight I will be celebrating the birth of my first born!  Yep!  Today my oldest turned 20.  Of course he thinks he is so old.  Out of his teens to him means he is a man.  Well, that's debatable.  No he is not 12 but to me, his mom, of course he will forever be my baby, my oldest but  young and with so much to learn and so much still ahead of him.  This brings me to today's thought and here it is, "You are old is you think you are old - you are young if you think you are young - there is nothing in a number."  A number is a way to keep chronological records.  I am quite sure that in biblical times they didn't count years.  There are indigenous tribes that also don't count years.  We count years as a way to keep track and keep records.  HOWEVER, there are those who turn a certain number and describe themselves as old.  My son for example was very keen on letting me know how old and mature he is now that he is 20.  Really?  Old? Definitely not!  Mature - maybe in some ways but as his mom, I know he has so much to learn.  When we are young all we want to be is old and of course the opposite is true.  Some people are born old.  Some people grow into their "numbers."  I prefer to avoid what a number should mean and that's a good question.  What should a number mean?  If you are 30 are you now mature and worldly with the weight of maturity on your shoulders?  If you are 17 are you naturally carefree?  What if at 17 you are the "man" of the house because of circumstances like your parents are divorced or sadly the man of the house no longer exists and you have had to be the responsible one?  What if at 30 you have been spoiled all your life with no real job, still living at home and having your mom cook for you?  Sounds to me like those numbers should be reversed!  Well they are not always.  So you see, age is merely a number.  You either fit into it or you don't and believe me that is perfectly fine!  I for one will NOT discuss my age!  Haha!  I feel good in the skin I am in.  My mindset is that there is SO much more ahead of me and whatever it is that my age says, I still feel that I have A LOT to learn!  My son, well.  He will get there one day, of that I am sure.  But for now, let him feel "old and mature," because changing from you teens to no longer in your teens is, well yes, a VERY BIG DEAL!  So for all you people out there young and old, but especially young at heart, have a wonderful and happy Friday~Love, Amy

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