Wednesday, January 4, 2017


Good Morning!  I am NOT back in the swing of things.  I am sooo very tired today.  Strange dreams - very real.  Dreams are not dreams you know.  Lots of activity and people in my dreams last night so I was busy.  I did a lot of traveling and now I'm paying for it!  I hate those days where all I want them to do is end so I can go back to sleep tonight!  However, the saving grace is that it is hump day!  Wednesday AND I am out a bit early as well.  So enough complaining.  Here is my Reiki thought for today - "Fight with all your being and all your strength to achieve the life you want for yourself."  That goes for anything.  Even making the day better.  I know I am trying to change my life.  Patience is something that I really need to learn so at the moment that is what I am fighting for.  To be patient and to know that the life I want is around the corner because I know I am doing all that I can and can still do more.  What is it that you want and can you wait for it to happen.  Do what you can but don't beat yourself up.  Know that everything takes patience.  I have always had to learn that but now more than ever.  I know that it all works out but for what you want you do have to fight sometimes and not now or ever give up.  So for today, enjoy your day, find something good and wonderful about it and be your very very best champion!  I will always be on your side!  Have a wonderful day!~Amy~

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