Thursday, April 13, 2017


Good Morning all!  Did you get to see that moon last night?  It was pretty incredible.  I was able to take some photos.  It looked liked it was alive which sounds strange I know but I was able to capture the vibrations around it.  No wonder we all act strange and feel weird when there is a new moon above us! 

That would be the one time you are not responsible for your actions.  For the most part we are responsible for our actions and our behaviors.  If you don't like how you react to things you can change that through your thought process but only if you yourself are unhappy.  Today's quote, "Don't change a thing about yourself to fit into someone's life - if you have to change - you don't fit."  How many times have you done that?

That is something you do when you are young unfortunately.  We think that if we become someone else then the person we like will like us more.  How uncomfortable is that?  How long can you go on not being who you really are?  Not being true to yourself?  There is definitely a finite period for that.

If you have to change for anyone to like you then they are not your friend, companion, lover or anything to you.  Of course I am hoping I am being clear and I am not saying be a jerk.  Well if you are I bet you don't have a lot of friends!  NO - what I am saying is stick to your beliefs.  Be strong in what is important to you.  Don't change your beliefs because that friend doesn't agree and you fear that friend will disappear.

Be strong in your convictions and be the wonderful person you were created to be.  When you are you, when you are who you were meant to be, when you are true to yourself - you will be appreciated and loved.  It doesn't matter if you fit into someone else's plan - the important thing is that you fit into yours!  Have a wonderful Thursday everyone!~Love, Amy

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