Saturday, April 22, 2017


Good Morning everyone!  Happy Saturday and Happy Earth Day.  This will be brief and to the point.  Today's quote, "Treat our planet with love and kindness - there is only one Mother Earth - Happy Earth Day."

Today's message is straight and to the point.  Don't litter!  Don't throw things out the window when you drive.  Can you believe I still see people doing that?  Really, who does that.  In this time where our climate is changing, (yes I believe climate change is a REAL and not made up problem), where our icebergs are melting faster than they should, where animals are losing their habitats we HAVE to start to worry. 

It is not only the animals that are losing their habitats.  Think about it.  Our world is changing before our eyes and if we don't do anything about it we will be in serious big trouble.  We cannot go out and buy another Earth.  It won't happen.  All these gloom and doom movies that are made to show what happens when we ignore rising waters and warmer temperatures. 

We have but one place to live.  If we have ANYTHING in common, this is it.  We all share the Earth.  Do something small.  Pick up garbage, turn off lights, open windows, stop using aerosol spray.  One thing over time really can make a difference.  Treat her kindly, treat her with the love and respect she deserves and hopefully she will be here a whole lot longer after we depart!  Have a wonderful day everyone!~Love, Amy

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