Monday, April 17, 2017


Good Morning!  It's Monday and back to work for all.  I hope everyone had restful holidays and found some time for peace and solitude.  So important in our busy lives.  No matter how busy you are always try and find a moment for yourself to unscramble your mind.  So many thoughts come in and out on a daily basis.  In order for us to be our very best we need to find a time to just be with a clear mind.

Guided Meditation class is tonight and of course I am looking forward to it.  I along with the rest of the world need to detox from information overload, worry, stress and the simple tasks that make up a day.  Meditation cures all that for the time you are in that blissful place.  The more you do it, the more you are able to calm your mind and yourself in times of personal anxiety.

Notice I said personal anxiety because that's exactly what it is.  We do this to ourselves and we do it to ourselves in so many ways.  Today's quote, "Aggressively approach those negative voices in your head - you will win as you are stronger than they are."  You are but you must believe it to be so.  It is clear why we do that to ourselves.  We feel we don't deserve whatever it is we are going after. 

Perhaps when you were younger someone told you your dreams are just that.....dreams.  And so you have learned over time to understand that what you really want and desire can never be yours.  You have been conditioned over time by people around you (and believe it or not some of these people think they have your best interest at heart but don't see the damage they have done.)  And so this conditioning becomes ingrained in your thinking.  This is the way it is. 

The voices in your head may not even be yours but they are there telling you over and over again what you cannot do, what you cannot have, what will never be.  Stop it right now!  When those thoughts come in - push them out.  Let them know there is no longer any room for them.  They don't belong there and they are no longer welcome. 

When your desires are more real than your doubts put up your dukes and fight off that negativity.  It takes practice, trust me, I know but it takes a true belief in yourself and a knowing that there is so much more ahead of you no matter what anyone tells you, especially yourself!  Start small and start today.  You are strong, you are wonderful and you are on the road to change!  Have a wonderful day everyone!~Love, Amy

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